

03月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[作文课《我当小彩民》习作教学设计]孙燕 ]《我当小彩民》这节课是我在五年级语文习作教学中设计的一节生动的作文教研课课,旨在创设新颖的情境,丰富学生的生活经验和写作经验,指导学生一波三折地写出自己的心情变...+阅读

感谢对手 Be Grateful to Your RivalLife is full of petitions. When we are at school, we always want to be the most excellent student and win teachers praise. When we work, we not only need to pete with our co-workers, but also need to beat other panies for more profit. The rivals are everywhere, which help us to be stronger.生活充满了竞争。我们在学校的时候,我们总是想成为最优秀的学生,赢得老师的表扬。我们工作的时候,不仅需要与同事竞争,同时为了获得更多的利润也需要击败其他公司。

处处都是竞争对手,他们使我们变得更强大。When we are peting with rivals, we are gaining knowledge. To be the winner, we will he the motivation to improve ourselves, as so to he advantages over others. The lack of petitors is not good for people, because the fortable situation will easy make us to loss motivation to move on.我们与对手竞争的同时,我们也收获了知识。为了成为冠军,我们有了动力去提升自己,这样才会比他人更有优势。缺乏竞争者对人们并无益处,因为舒适的环境很容易使我们失去前进的动力。

The good rival also can be our friend. In the processing of petition, both of you get improved. For example, in the debate petition, when two side are in the opposite opinion and both defend for their ideas, it is easy involving personal emotion. If the rival breaks the awkward situation with smile and humor, showing that this is a nice talk, then you wont lose your temper. This is learning.良好的竞争对手也可以成为我们的朋友。在竞争过程中,双方都得到了进步。例如,在辩论比赛中,当双方意见不统一时,都在捍卫自己的观点,就很容易涉及到个人的情感。

如果竞争对手用微笑和幽默打破这尴尬的局面,表示这是一个友好的谈话,这样你就不会发脾气了。这也是学习。Anyway, we should be grateful to our rivals, because we need to make progress all the time, or we will be kicked out.不管怎样,我们应该感激我们的竞争对手,因为我们需要一直在进步,不然就会被淘汰。孩子的认知 Childrens RecognitionMany mothers are annoyed by their childrens behiors before they can understand the mothers idea. Babies way of thought is different from the adults, and most of them are in the situation of out of side, and out of mind. If people can better understand the kids recognition, then they will he their own ways to educate.许多妈妈在她们孩子能够理解自己的想法前都对孩子们的一些行为感到心烦。

婴儿的思维方式不同于成人,而很多妈妈都是眼不见,心不烦。如果能够更好地了解孩子的认知,他们就会有自己的教育方式。Though the kids are very small and they even cant talk, they are smart actually. They know how to judge whether what they do is acceptable or not. For example, when mother cooks food for the baby and the baby refuses to eat. After trying to feed the baby many times, finally the mother gets angry and walks away, then the baby will perceive the mothers unhappy emotion and realizes his wrong behior.尽管孩子们还非常小,甚至还不会说话,但是他们很聪明。

他们知道如何判断什么是可以做的。例如,当妈妈给孩子做食物的时候,婴儿拒绝吃后,母亲多次试图再喂宝宝未果,最后妈妈生气走开了,孩子就会意识到妈妈的不满情绪和自己的错误行为。People always say that kids are knowing nothing, so their wrong behiors can be fiven all the time. It seems that being innocent can be out of taking responsibility. This is ridiculous. Everyone should be responsible for what they do. If the kids are wrong, the parents need to educate them immediate, so as to help them to be a better person.人们总是说小孩还什么都不懂,所以他们的错误行为应该得到原谅。

似乎无知就可以免于承担责任。这是荒谬的。每个人都应该对他们所做的事情负责。如果孩子的行为是不对的,父母应该纠正以帮助他们成为更好的人。网络流行用语 Inter Popular LanguageNowadays, there is no doubt that Inter plays an important role in peoples life. People can make connections with each other or do business through Inter. Many popular languages he been created. People he different opinions about these words.如今,毫无疑问,互联网在人们的生活中扮演着重要角色。

人们可以通过互联网进行交流或做生意。许多流行语言因此被创造出来。人们对于这些语言有不同的看法。On the one hand, some people like to use Inter language to express themselves. They think these words can help them to better municate. They play fun with each other and these popular languages make them laugh out loudly. The use of work language provides more ways for people to municate in a funny way.一方面,有些人喜欢用网络语言来表达自己。

他们认为这些语言可以帮助他们更好的交流。他们相互开玩笑,这些流行语言能让他们大声笑出来。网络语言的使用给人们提供了更多有趣交流的方式。On the other hand, some language experts he criticized the work languages, because they think it will mislead the young generation to use them in the official writing. China as the old country, has more then 5000 years culture, whose language is profound. And some people start to lose interest in learning our culture after using the easy words.另一方面,一些语言学家批判网络语言,担心会在正式写作时误导年轻一代。

中国是古老的国家,有超过5000年的文化,语言是博大精深的。然而有些人在使用了这些简单的网络语言后开始对学习我们的文化失去兴趣。It is in need of enhancing students knowledge on Chinese literature, so as to improve their language skills. I am not objecting using the Inter popular language, but we cant lose fever in learning Chinese.加强学生对中国文学知识的学习迫在眉睫,这样才能提高他们的语言技能。我不反对使用网络流行语言,但是我们不能失去对学习中文的热情。


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