

01月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[孩子不喜欢理发要怎么办],今天我来教你五招帮你搞定小刺头。 大多数父母是不是有过这样的经历呢?一到该剪头发的时候就很郁闷,宝贝哭着喊着就是不去理发店。唉,您说宝宝的头发是不是妈妈的烦恼丝呢?如果...+阅读

1. No Place Like London 从前有个理发师和他的妻子 There was a barber and his wife, 她美丽动人 and she was beautiful. 一个傻瓜理发师和他的妻子 A foolish barber and his wife, 她是他生命的意义所在 she was his reason and his life, 她美丽动人 and she was beautiful, 她贞节无暇 and she was virtuous. 而他 天真幼稚 And he was... Naive. 又有一个人 看见了她的美丽 There was another man who saw that she was beautiful, 手握法律 心怀贪欲 A pious vulture of the law, 魔爪一挥 将理发师赶走 who with a gesture of his claw removed the barber from his plate. 然后安心等待 她会落入手中 Then there was nothing but to wait and she would fall, 多么柔顺 多么年轻 So soft, So young, 多么迷惘 而又美丽动人 So lost, and oh, so beautiful! 那位夫人 先生 她屈服了吗? And the lady, sir... did she succumb? 这是多年前的事了 Oh, that was many years ago... 大概没有人知道 I doubt if anyone would know. 我要谢谢你 安东尼 I'd like to thank you, Anthony. 没有你发现我 If you hadn't spotted me, I'd be lost on the ocean still... 我还迷失在大海上呢 我还能见到您吗? Will I see you again? 想找我就来找吧 You might find me, if you like, 去舰队街附近 我会在那里 around Fleet Street. 再会 我的朋友 Until then, my friend. 这世上有个大洞 一个深不见底的黑坑 There's a hole in the world like a great black pit 洞中挤满了人 污浊恶臭 and it's filled with people who are filled with shit 人间害虫皆栖息与此 And the vermin of the world inhabit it...2. My firends These are my friends, 看他们泛起寒光 see how they glisten. 看这一闪 See this one shine, 重见天日的微笑 how he smiles in the light. 我的朋友 My friend, my faithful friend. 忠诚的朋友们 说话 朋友们 Speak to me friend, 静静说吧 我会倾听 Whisper, I'll listen. 我知道 我知道 I know, I know- 你们被锁起了那么多年 You've been locked out of sight all these years- 就像我 朋友 Like me, my friend. 我回家了 Well, I've come home 你们在等待 To find you waiting. 回家 Home, 我们久别重逢 and we're together, 我们会创造奇迹 and we'll do wonders, 对吗? won't we? 你 我的朋友 - You there, my friend, - I'm your friend too, Mr. Todd, - 我也是你的朋友 陶德先生 - 过来 让我握住你 - come, let me hold you. - If you only knew, Mr. Todd. 如果你知道 陶德先生 - Now, with a sigh - Oh, Mr. Todd, - 一息之间 - 哦 陶德先生 - 你在我手中温暖起来 - 你在我手中温暖起来 you're warm in my hand, - 我的朋友 - 你回家了 - My friend, - You've come home. - 聪明的朋友 - 我一直很喜欢你 真的 - My clever friend. - Always had a fondness for you, i did. 稍安毋躁 朋友 - Rest now, my friends. - Never you fear, Mr. Todd, - 别再害怕 陶德先生 - 很快我会让你们再展锋芒 - Soon I'll unfold you. - you can move in here, Mr. Todd. - 你可以在这安家 陶德先生 - 很快你们将达到 从未梦想过的辉煌 Soon you'll know splendors you never have dreamed all your days... - 这里有你从未梦想过的辉煌 - 都是你的 - will be yours. - My lucky friends. - 我幸运的朋友 - 我是你的朋友 - I'm your friend too. - Till now your shine - 如今你们闪耀的只是银光 - 多么美丽 - I think they shine beautiful. - was merely silver. 我喜欢这道银光 - Silver's good enough for me, Mr. Todd. - Friends, - 朋友们 你们该滴落鲜红 - 陶德先生 you shall drip rubies, 你们就要滴下鲜红的宝石 You'll soon drip precious rubies... 走开 Leave me... 终于 我的手臂再次完整了! At last my arm is complete again.


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