
理发师陶德 johanna歌词

01月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[身体运动对儿童心理发展有什么促进作用促进认知的发展]情绪的转换、情感的波动 对孩子有益 不管好坏 都能端正其生活态度和加深事物认知 更聪明些的更是能优先考虑如何让自己快乐 处于一种积极乐观的状态下 比如经常做一些室外游...+阅读

Anthony:I feel you Johanna I feel you Do they think that walls can hide you?Even now I'm at you window I am in the dark beside you Buried sweetly in your yellow hair Johanna Sweeney Todd:And are you beautiful and pale,With yellow hair,Like her?I'd want you beautiful and pale The way I've dreamed you were Johanna Anthony: Johanna Sweeney Todd:And if you're beautiful, what then,With yellow hair, Like wheat?I think we shall not meet again My little dove My sweet Johanna Anthony:I'll steal you Johanna Sweeney Todd:Good-bye Johanna You're gone and yet you're mine I'm fine Johanna I'm fine Anthony: Johanna Beggar Woman:Smoke!Smoke!Sign of the Devil!Sign of the Devil!C'iy on fire!Witch!A witch!Smell that Sir?An evil smell!Ev'ry night at the Vesper's Bell!Smoke that comes from the mouth of Hell!C'iy on fire!C'iy on fire!Mischief!Mischief!Mischief!Sweeney Todd:And if I never hear your voice,My turtledove,My dear I still have reason to rejoyce,The way ahead is clear Johanna Anthony (same time as Mr.Todd [below]):I feel you Johanna Sweeney Todd:And in the darkness When I'm blind with what I can't forget It's always morning in my mind My little lamb My pet Johanna You stay Johanna (Anthony: Johanna) The way I've dreamed you are Oh look Johanna A star(Anthony: Buried sweetly in your yellow hair) A shooting star Beggar Woman:There!There!Somebody!Somebody!Look up there!Didn't I tell you?Smell that air!C'iy on fire!Quick! Sir!Run and tell!More and more like a witch's spell!There it is!There it is!The unholy smell!Tell it to the Beadle, and police as well!Tell 'em!Tell 'em!Help!Please!C'iy on fire!C'it on fire!Mischief! Mischief!Sweeney Todd:And though I'll think of you, I guess Until the day I die I think I miss you less and less As everyday goes by Johanna Anthony: Johanna Sweeney Todd:And you'd be beautiful and pale And look too much like her If only angels could prevail We'd be the way we were Johanna Anthony: I feel you Johanna Sweeney Todd:Wake up, Johanna Another bright red day We learn Johanna To say Good-bye Anthony:I'll steal you


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