

01月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[用英语解释英语单词]1. uninteresting 2. feel good about oneself 3. hard of hearing, unable to hear 4. unbiased, equal 5. not stingy 6. to relate oneself to; business (as in: none o...+阅读

经络是经脉和络脉的总称。据《医学 入门》载:“经者,径也,经之支派者为 经络。”其意即指,经有路径之义,是气血 循行的路径。经脉分布在人体深层,是经 络系统的纵行干线。而络,则有网络之 义,是经脉别出的分支,与经脉相比更为 细小,分布在全身,纵横交错。因而,经 络是运行全身气血、联络脏腑肢节、沟通 上下内外、调节体内各部分的重要通路。诞生于2500年前的医学巨著《黄帝 内经》中,经络作为一个重要的概念贯穿 于全书。在这部典籍中,以大量的临床观 察对经络作了系统的总结,在经脉之外, 增加了络脉、经别、经筋、皮部和奇经等 新的概念,它们共同组成了经络系统,成 为古人心目中人体最重要的生理结构。是 一个含义很广的槪念,是人体所有器官功 能活动与病理变化的综合表现。


用英语解释英文单词[来自韦氏词典] 旅游: intransitive verb 1 a : to go on or as if on a trip or tour : journey b (1) : to go as if by traveling : pass (2) : associate c : to go from...

英语单词怎样用英文解释a man or a woman who deals with comercial stuff. a person who works in the hospital and takes care of the patients. a person who works in the hospital and does...

用英语解释单词:)您好 most: very, to the greatest degree result: a thing that is caused or produced because of something else as for:used to start talking about something about:...

用英语解释一些英语单词1.a person you know well and like 2.cooked in an owen 3. (1)to cook food under direct heat (2)infml to question someone severely and continuously 4.hot gas prod...

用英语解释单词啊各位高手帮帮忙!1.communication:the process of giving information or of making emotions or ideas known to someone 2.team work:work that you do together with other people 3.prob...

5个单词翻译并用英语解释词语suspect [səˈspekt] vt. 猜疑(是), 怀疑(是), 觉得(是) 来自拉丁词的 suspicere 过去分词 suspectus 怀疑 They suspected an ambush. 他们疑心有埋伏。 怀疑; 不信任 We all suspe...

能帮我用英语解释几个英语单词与词组吗1、meter 计价器 a machine that measures and shows the amount of something you have used or the amount of money that you must pay 2、hurry up 快点 词组查不到 3、...

求几个英语单词的英文解释1.deal-(v)to occupy oneself or itself (usually fol. by with or in): Botany deals with the study of plants. He deals in generalities. 2.unless- (conjuction):exce...

经络指的是什么中医认为,经络是人体气血运行的通路,内属于脏腑,外布于全身, 将各部组织、器官连接成为一个有机的整体。“经”的原意是“纵线”, 有路径的意思,简单说就是经络系统中的主要路径,存...
