

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何快速提高英语口语]提高英语口语是每一个英语口语学习者的学习目标,我在进外企参加工作之前,英语口语也不是很好,我在提高英语口语的过程中发现要用言语行为来实现交际意图的整体计划, 就要制订言...+阅读

在我一岁时,妈妈就把我送到了你家,你无微不至地照顾我一直到18岁。是你教会我走路,是你教会我说话,是你教会我洗衣做饭,你总说女生要学会照顾自己的生活。 听妈妈说,在我1岁半那年生病住院了,是您在医院里抱着我打针、挂水、喂药。那几天我非常吵闹,可能是因为疼痛我会整夜地哭,您抱着我,哄我,喂我喝水、吃饭、喝药。

那时您整夜都不能睡觉,在您的精心照料下,我的身体慢慢地好了起来,而你却病倒了。 慢慢地,我长到了要上学的年龄,上幼儿园了,然后又上了小学,还是外婆您一直在接送我上幼儿园和上下学,不管刮风下雨,外婆您从没有一句怨言。您每天早晨五点半就起床为我做早饭,等我起床洗漱后还要帮我梳头扎辫子,你总说小女生要打扮得漂漂亮亮的。

后来我到外地去上学了,你总是打电话关心我,问我有没有吃饱穿暖,有没有好好学习,那时的我不懂事总是闲你太唠叨,现在回想起来我我真的太不知感恩了。 虽然现在我上班了,但是还是经常到你家去,因为有外婆的家才温暖,有外婆的家才是我的家。周末在家,我帮你做饭洗碗,你总说:“不用了,你平时上班已经很累,我自己做”。

其实能帮你做事我真的不累,能帮你做事我感到是一件很幸福的事。我星期天搭车回学校上班,你总是不忘对我说:“路上小心一点”。很朴实的一句话,却很暖心。 生活中,一件件平凡的小事,一句句简单的话语,都体现了外婆你对我的爱。妈妈常说:“你长大了可以不孝顺我,但是你不能不孝顺你的外婆”。外婆现在我长大了,就由我来照顾你吧! 外婆,您辛苦了! 外婆,谢谢您! When I was one year old, my mother sent me to your house, you take good care of me until the age of 18. You taught me to walk, you taught me, you taught me tocook, you always say that girls should learn to take care of your own life. Listen to mama said, the hospital sick when I was 1 and a half years old, are you holding me injections, hang water, medicine in the hospital. I was very noisy in those days, probably because of the pain I will cries all night, you hug me, coax me,feed me to drink water, eat, drink the medicine. When you can't sleep all night, in your care, my body slowly up, and you are ill. Slowly, I long to go to school,kindergarten, and then on the primary school, or your grandmother you have to pick up my kindergarten and school, no matter the weather, grandma, you nevera word of complaint. You every day at five thirty in the morning I prepare breakfast to wake up, I get up after washing to get my hair in pigtails, you always say the little girl to dress up. Later I went to the field to go to school, you alwayscall to concern me, ask me to have adequate food and clothing, there is no Study hard, then I don't understand all the time you are too nagging, now in retrospect Ireally too ungrateful. Although now I go to work, but often to your home, becausethe house is warm, has the grandmother's home is my home. Weekend at home, Ihelp you cook the dishes, you always say: "no, you usually work very tired, I do". Ican help you. I'm not tired, can help you to do the things I feel is a very happy thing. Sunday I ride back to school work, you always said to me: "be careful on the road". Very simple sentence, but it is The 2014 senior high school entrance examination sprint Review Guide Beijing area of Guangdong area test test test in Jiangsu area Warm heart. In life, a trivial matter, a simple words, reflects the grandma, I love you. Momma always said: "you grow up, can I not filial piety, but you can't not filial to your grandmother". Grandma now I grow up, I'll take care of you! Grandma,you have worked hard! Grandma, thank you!



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