

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英文中的公告都有些什么区别]Bulletin 主要是指新闻公告 the latest bulletin about the President's health 总统健康状况的最新公报 Notice 主要指通知 The tenant received two month's notice. 房客...+阅读

本外币活期存款 RMB/foreign currency current deposit、本外币定期存款 RMB/foreign currency time deposit本外币通知存款 RMB/foreign currency call deposit协定存款 agreement deposit固定资产贷款 fixed asset loan房地产开发贷款 housing developing loan单位流动资金贷款 working capitals loan转贷款 transfers loan银团贷款 syndicated loan委托贷款 entrusted loan票据贴现 bill discount证券公司股票质押贷款 stock mortage loan进口押汇 import finance出口押汇 export finance打包贷款 packaging loan外币存单质押贷款 foreign exchange deposit certificate mortage loan现金收付业务 cash/non-cash receiving and paying银行汇票 banks bill of exchange银行本票 banks promissory note支票 check商业汇票 commercial bill of exchange汇兑(信汇、电汇) transfers(mail transfers、telegraphic transfers)票据承兑 acceptance of bill资信证明业务 credit proof代发工资 wages paying代理发行 agency of issuing兑付债券 redeeming bond代收公用事业费 public utility charge collection网上银行业务 online banking进口开证 import letter of credit进口代收 import collection出口信用证通知 advice of export letter of credit出口信用证议付 negotiation of export letter of credit出口托收 export collection外汇光票托收 foreign exchange bill collection外汇汇入汇款 foreign exchange outgoing remittance外汇汇出汇款 foreign exchange incoming remittance提货担保 shipping guarantee银行保函 letter of guarantee备用信用证 standly letter of credit结售汇 money exchange活期储蓄 current saving定期储蓄 time saving个人通知存款 individual call deposit定期一本通 fixed time book兴业卡存取款 depositing/drawing though XINGYE cardPOS消费转帐业务 POS consumptive transfers银证通 transfer between bank and security company银期通 transfer between bank and futures company个人外汇买卖 personal money exchange个人存款证明业务 personal deposit proof个人住房按揭贷款 Personal housing mortgage loan住房装修贷款 house renovation loan个人有价单证质押贷款 personal valued certificate mortgage loan汽车消费贷款 automobile consumptive loan个人旅游贷款 personal travelling loan个人商用房贷款 personal commercial housing loan个人授信额度贷款 personal credit facility


英语写通知或者公告常用的单词和词组有哪些书面表达 (一)通知 一、 口头通知(announcement)的一些常用开头语和结束语: 1. Attention, please! /May I have your attention, please! I have something important to tell y...

谢谢各位帮忙英文通知的格式是什么英语的通知可分为两类,即书面通知和口头通知。写作格式及要求如下: 一、通知的标志 书面通知是书面的正式公告或布告,常常是张贴在显眼的位置,多用notice作标志。为了醒目起见,标...

收钱的英文怎么说收钱的英文是 collect money ,其中: collect 英 [kə'lekt] 美 [kə'lɛkt] vt. 收集;募捐 vi. 收集;聚集;募捐 adv. 由收件人付款地 adj. 由收件人付款的 n. (Collect)人名;(英)科...

英语120个单词的美文欣赏父亲和他的儿子 THE FATHER AND HIS SONS Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes by h...

照例写单词:healthhealthy名词变形容词: 1.名词后加-y, 如: luck→lucky, cloud→cloudy; wind→windy; rain→rainy; sun→sunny, snow→snowy noise-noisy health→healthy 2.在名词后加-ly, 如: friend...

who这个单词意思who 代词 pron. 1. (用作疑问代词)谁,什么人 Did Mary tell you who that girl's father is? 玛丽有没有告诉你那女孩的父亲是谁? Who has borrowed my pen? 谁借了我的钢笔? 2. (用...

跪求国际商务谈判英文摘要Negotiators from different cultures have different communication mode, values and thinking mode, this would mean that in international business negotiations to...

商务谈判术语的英文表达及音标注释制作精巧 skillful manufacture 工艺精良 sophisticated technology 最新工艺 latest technology 加工精细 finely processed 设计精巧 deft design 造型新颖 modern design...

听医生的话用英文我来解释一下楼上为什么是屁扯: 1. Under the instructions of doctor 这首先就是病句。Under the instructions of [THE] doctor . 另外这个是说在医生的指导下服用(就是半句...
