

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com




Good morning, the golden sun of September is marching, we opened the door of ** International School, and began a new round of challenges in our life. We are proud to be the new students of Junior One. There are good teachers, advanced teaching conditions, and motivated students. We're very lucky to go into such a good learning environment.

有人曾说:“中学的时光好比万两黄金”, 现在,我们已经是初中生了,初中的学习科目增多了,时间紧了,难度也增大了,通往成功的道路上又会增加很多的困难,但是又有哪一项成功不是要付出努力的呢?我们会挥出智慧与汗水的锋刃去披荆斩棘,开阔道路,争做一名讲文明、守纪律、有文化的优秀英华人。

It has been said: "The middle school period is like a million ounces of gold, we will have more subjects, they are much harder, and the time is limited. We will meet a lot of troubles on the way to success, but no success comes without effort. We will work hard, and try to be excellent students of our school.

今年,我校初三的大哥哥大姐姐们在中考中取得了辉煌的成绩,为我们树立了榜样。我们定会像他们一样,让勤奋将成为我们初中学习的主旋律。“及时当勉励,岁月不待人”, “九层之台,起于垒土。”我们会珍惜每一寸光阴,打好坚实的地基;“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”我们会谨记老师的点滴教诲,乘风破浪,快橹飞舟,用汗水去浇灌成功之花。“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。”相信在学校领导的关心下,在老师的辛勤培育下,加上我们不懈的努力,三年后,我们一定会成长为优秀的中学生,给学校,给老师,给家长一份满意的答卷。

This year, our brothers and sisters of Junior 3 made brilliant achievements, and set an example for us. We certainly want to be like them. Diligence will be the main theme of our junior high school learning. Time encourages us, Time and tide wait for nobody , "climb the ladder from the base soil." We will cherish every moment, to lay a solid foundation, Remember what the teacher told us, and try to water with our sweat. "Bao Jianfeng from sharpening out, plum blossom from the bitter cold." We believe with the care of school leaders and teachers ,after three years,we will grow into great high school students, to give a satisfactory answer to our teachers, our school and our parents.
