

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com


Four Women in One Family

Little Woman was written by American female writer Alcott. After reading this novel, I have some opinions about these four women.

The novel described four sisters in the March family; they were kind to each other and love each other, hardworking, stayed with neighbor Laurence friendly. Different disposition girls had found their own happy through their own goodness and industrious. The novel has not a fluctuation plot and fascinating suspension in a play, but the author described the happiness in March family with the simple language. Their good and kind, loyalty to love and family has left me a deep impression. The author only described very ordinary detail in the life, but reveals the love to the happy life expectation everywhere.

Although these girls born in a poor family, but they all had the positive attitude to any matter, the novel had laid emphasis on their individuality and the dignity, but also has displayed their self-expression restraint. Independently was these four girls's common characteristic, they always keep discovering their own shortcoming and correct it as soon as possible which worth our learning. Look we, some people always make mistakes, but they always think that it is a small mistake; they don't need to notice it, let it go. If every one like them, the society will become very awful, no rule can limit people's behaviors, they can do anything they like.


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