

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何学好外贸英语]在学校学习外贸英语,可以这样: 1,重视外贸口语,交个外国朋友,常上易格英语网站 2,不要迷信学校外贸函电书籍,基本上过时的东西 3,多去外贸论坛,如Fob上海外贸论坛学习 4,多去用外贸英...+阅读

-Mom ,Dad, come here, this TV is wonderful!

-Oh, really? All right, let's have a look.

-Why do you like this TV set, dear?

-Because I love to see Tom and Jerry! They are so lovely.

-Oh, is it true?

-Of course! Mom, see the little mouse, his name is Jerry.

-Oh, Jerry, a good name.

-Yes,it is. Dad, don't you think Jerry is very clever?

-Of course he is. He can beat the cat! What an amazing mouse he is!

-Cool! Mom,dad, I love this TV set. Shall we buy this one and take it home?

-Uh, darling, you like this TV set because there is a cartoon program on it, but you should know, we can have cartoons in every TV set when we go back home because you have so many DVDs about all kinds of cartoons, right?

-Yes, my dear little daughter, your mother is right. We come here to choose a TV set that the screen is bright and the pictures are very clear ,also the color is very beautiful. Then when we go home ,you can enjoy watching favorite cartoons with a so wonderful TV set. Don't you think it is exciting?

-Cool! Then mom, dad ! Let's go and choose! I can't wait for seeing my cartoons!

-OK, here we go!


(以上对话和翻译全部由古灵精怪 QQ 85867513 独立原创完成,如需要帮助请联系本人!)


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