

01月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[歌词中带为什么最多的歌]为什么 演唱:薛之谦 要赶上六点半的早操 背上我最爱的书包往学校跑 六十块的校服一套 红领巾要戴出领带的味道 隔壁班的向我讨教 摩斯要用哪个牌子才好 见到老爸我就笑 零用...+阅读

《Let It Go》是华特迪士尼动画工作室的2013年动画作品《冰雪奇缘》当中的主题曲,由罗伯特·洛佩兹和克里斯汀·安徒生-洛佩兹作曲作词。其原文歌词和对应翻译为:Let It Go随它吧The snow glows white on the mountain tonight皑皑白雪覆盖今夜的山Not a foot print to be seen埋藏身后我的足迹A kingdom of isolation在这孤独白色国度And it looks like I'm the queen我就是那冰雪的女王The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside狂风呼号,内心亦涌动不能平息Couldn't keep it in,heaven knows I've tried不管多努力,再无法藏匿Don't let them in,don't let them see掩藏好自己,不许人靠近Be the good girl you always have to be乖乖听话,别让大家担心Conceal,don't feel,don't let them know把真心封闭,不让人看清Well,now they know如今被看清Let it go,let it go不再躲,不再怕Can't hold it back any more秘密已经大白于天下Let it go,let it go不管他,不害怕Turn away and slam the door告别过去不留一丝牵挂I don't care what they're going to say别人的话,何必在乎它Let the storm rage on就让狂风怒号The cold never bothered me anyway冰封千里我也从不害怕 It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small现在回首遥望从前 往事变得微不足道And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all曾经桎梏我的恐惧32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333337383863 也都远的看不到It's time to see what I can do展现自己 拿出本领To test the limits and break through冲破极限 让自己也惊讶No right, no wrong, no rules for me没有羁绊 扔掉规矩I'm free世界由我Let it go, let it go放宽心 向前进I am one with the wind and sky乘着风 融化在天际Let it go, let it go向前冲 不后悔You'll never see me cry我再没有眼泪Here I stand and here I'll stay站在这里 坚定不移Let the storm rage on任那狂风怒号My power flurries through the air into the ground;雪花漫天飘下,这是我的魔法My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around冰片旋转纷飞,是我的灵魂在升华And one thought crystallizes like an ice blast思绪结晶成冰凌,是冰雪的爆炸I'm never going back,the past is in the past过去已是过去,是再也回不去Let it go,let it go不沉溺,不在意And I'll rise like the break of dawn如晨曦一般冉冉升起Let it go,let it go算了吧,忘了吧That perfect girl is gone别指望我回到过去Here I stand in the light of day站在这里,不再藏匿Let the storm rage on任那狂风怒号The cold never bothered me anyway冰封千里我也从不害怕


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letitgo歌词The snow glows white on the mountain tonight;今晚白雪在山上闪烁Not a footprint to be seen;一个脚印没有A kingdom of isolation;与世隔绝的国土And it looks like I'm th...

letitgo英文歌词翻译中文读音的歌词得斯no勾s外on得猫挺吐奈Thesnowglowswhiteonthemountaintonight; 侬额付拼吐B洗Notafootprinttobeseen; 额肯懂哦付俺斯类神Akingdomofisolation 俺一咯阁s赖阿么坤An哲状...

古文版 letitgo歌词霜辄(zhé)夜白,日暮尽苍生远。 独游偶影江水寒。 山门内外蜃(shèn)城孑(jié)然。 王于冰雪定萧山。 风掣(chè)千刃,寒啸千载,慰我心安。 身得托沧海,血以荐轩辕。 勿近勿探,阴翳(yì)犹...
