

01月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[怎么才能快速提高英语成绩]楼主莫着急哈 现在努力还来得及 说下我的个人方法 学习外语时语感非常重要,每天坚持大声朗读一篇文章,不仅能提高语感而且能无形中提高英语听力。 要快速提高英语成绩可以这样...+阅读

Oxford is one of the world's most famous universities. It began in the 1100's. In 1999-2000 it had over 16,300 students in 35 colleges and 5 private halls. Each college has its own buildings, teachers, and students. But the university grants the degrees, not the colleges. Oxford has students from over 130 countries. Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships are among the ways foreign students may attend Oxford. Competition for admission and financial aid is intense, but students of all backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply. Recently Oxford has won a national innovation award and formed an international distance education partnership with Stanford and Yale. Oxford is a leader in research, while also promoting good teaching with individual tutorials and small group interactions.


如何能快速提高英语成绩好的 1如何入门呢?一个视频音标和一本英语发音书,纠正你的读音,学习音标。这个是张嘴说英语的基础,也方便你背单词,因为英语很多时候和汉语拼音一样,都是有规律,可以拼读出来的。...


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科普文章英语怎么说翻译如下2113 科普文章 popular science articles或 popular science writing 例句5261 医学英语科普文4102章是随着医学的发展而形成的1653一版种文体形式,有其自身的特点。...

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