

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[您好!我想问您一些关于塞浦路斯留学的问题可不可以给我一些提示]塞浦路斯留学 欧洲度假胜地-塞浦路斯 塞浦路斯共和国位于地中海东部,欧、亚、非三个大陆的交汇处,是西欧联接远东贸易航线的咽喉;领土面积9251平方公里,时差比北京晚6小时;有着良...+阅读

总体介绍+消除紧张情绪:Westerners first learning Chinese often have the impression that it is very foreign and exotic sounding, therefore presumably difficult to pronounce. Actually, most of the sounds used in Chinese are similar to sounds used in English and other Western languages, and most of those sounds which are not familiar are not very difficult to learn. There are, of course, a few exceptions, but not many. The main reason Chinese sounds so different and foreign to Westerners' ears has to do with tones. 汉语的声韵:Chinese is a syllabic language, each word consisting of one or more short syllables. Traditionally Chinese consider each syllable as consisting of two parts, the initial and finals. 汉语的声调:In Chinese, the intonation of a word is an integral part of its pronunciation. Thus a syllable pronounced with a high level intonation is a different word from the same syllable pronounced with a rising intonation, a falling-rising intonation, or a falling intonation. The classic example used to Chinese is the syllable “ma”, which means “mother” if with a high level intonation and “horse” if with a falling-rising intonation. Tone-1: is a high level pitch, like singing a long high tone. Its pitch is highest so your vocal cords should be kept tensed when you pronounce it, but at comfortable level and at average length. Tone-4: is a falling tone, like an enthusiastic affirmation: “Yes!” It's easy to practice the 4th tone after the 1st tone. It starts high pitch, and then falls sharply and quickly to the bottom; it's the shortest one in length,. Some people call it “mad tone”. Tone-2: is a rising tone, like the word “yes” used when answering the door: “Yes?” Tone-3: is usually described as a “falling-rising” tone, and this is what it sounds like when a word pronounced in isolation or at the end of a sentence. Usually if a Tone 3 word is followed by another word, the rising part drops off and it becomes just a low-falling tone (something like the intonation of a reflection “Hmmm…”). But (and here is the tricky part), when one Tone 3 word is followed by another Tone 3 word, the tone of the first word changes to a rising tone(just like Tone 2). 纠音常用语: 圆唇:Purse your lips. 卷舌:Curl back your tongue. 卷得太多了:Don't curl so much. 舌头再高/低点儿:Position your tongue higher/lower. 嘴小点儿/别张得太大:Make your mouth a litter smaller. 发音再短/长点儿:Make the sound shorter/longer.


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