
Environmental problems两人对话 2 3分钟的四级水平急求

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

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I:if you have a free choice about your work,what would you like to be ?

A:well,in my opinion, i"d like to be an envirenment protection volunteer.


A:as is known to us,these days,envirenment problems such as water pollution,air pollution,and noise pollution and so on are becoming more and more serious.it causes unpleasant weather,what's more,some may even threaten our lives.SARS and bird flu are the typical examples.

as a citizen,it's our responsibilities to protect the envirenment.

I:yes,i undestand what you are saying,but it's far from enough to solove it just on our owm effors, anything else?

A:oh.our government is also involved,maybe authority should adopt the policy of "sustainable develepment"and laws concerning envirenment protection must be put into effect just as our government has been doing.

I: well,well,i totally agreewith you, maybe everyone could make a little contribution to our society,then we will make a big difference!


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