

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com


充分利用用英语是take full advantage of。take full advantage of的意思是充分利用advantage优势;利益;有利条件


1、take full advantage of 充分利用

2、Take full advantage of them 充分利用它们

3、To take full advantage of 都需要充分利用

4、Take Full Advantage of YourMistakes 利用好你的


1、Together they could take full advantage of the hardware's capacity. 它们集合起来可以充分利用硬件的容量。

2、Setting up instructions so that they take full advantage of a processor's pipeline is calledinstruction scheduling. 对指令进行设置使它们可以充分利用处理器流水线的技术称为指令调度。

3、These strategies are a starting point. Adapt, combine, or pull them apart so they'll work most effectively in your organization to take full advantage of successful new ideas. 这些策略仅仅是个开始,去消化他们,把他们相结合或是拆分来运用,这样一定会将你的优秀的点子充分利用在组织的发展中。

4、History will be made when FDA changes its approach to inspection to take to inspection to take full advantage of the preventive controls framework and enhance our public health focus. 历史成就于食品和药品管理局变革检查手段,充分利用预防控制框架,强化公共卫生重点之时。

5、But it's becoming clear that the system that has been in place for years now is not sufficiently up to date to take full advantage of the information we collect and the knowledge we have. 但是现在开始清楚,这个建立多年的系统在充分利用我们所收集的信息和掌握的情况方面未能充分跟上发展。


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