

12月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以梦想为题的演讲稿]以梦想为题的演讲稿 篇【1】 尊敬的各位领导、老师: 大家好!没有对生命的渴望,就没有破茧而出的飞蛾;没有对自由的渴望,就没有庄生扑蝶的美梦;没有飞天的梦 想,就不可能实现嫦娥...+阅读

兴趣是最好的老师nterest Is the Best Teacher

I was not able to get high marks when I was in primary school. Teachers didn't like me because I was not a good student. Mother considered me as a bad kid. They hurt me by thinking I am a retarded child. But I am no fool. Almost all of my paintings were showed in public. Many famous artists had praised me for my paintings. They called me "little prodigy". And dad was on my side too. He encouraged me to do what I liked and what I thought was proper. He told me that interest is the best teacher, Dad did what he could to develop my talent fully. I believe that interest together with hard work will make me a successful artist in the near future.


有感于六年级英语外教课9月,听了外教Dany的一节课,几点感受记录如下。 一、 简单实效 一首歌曲mp3,一些图片,一本图画书。以前也听过很多外教老师上课,他们一般也 都像这样简单,一些讲义,惟妙惟肖的简笔画...

2017以中国梦为题的演讲稿2017以中国梦为题的演讲稿篇1 敬爱老师们,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 每个人都有梦想,你的梦想是什么?当一名教师?当一名厨师?当一名科学家?还是挣脱父母的束搏,自由自在的生活?但我...

人教版六年级下册英语PEP8 U2 Last weekend单元教学反本单元围绕Last weekend 的话题展开,教材首先出示了两个主场景,是关于Mike和John 的微博,引出了本单元讨论过去生活的主题,旨在提示学生学习英语的过去时态以及讨论过去的生活和...

六年级下学期PEP英语问题1 Did she clean the room yesterday? 2 Did he play football last Sunday? 3 Did mike watch TV yesterday evening? 4 Did you visit your grandgarents last weekend? 5...

六年级下册英语知识点PEPI buy a skirt. I bought a skirt. We go to the store. We went to the store. He play basketball. He played basketball. I wang to learn. I wanted to learn. I eat a...

小学PEP六年级下册英语单词表u1 taller.shorter.stronger.older.younger.cm.than.little.tail.think,funnierkg.bigger.heavier.longer.thinner.heavier.longer.thinner,smalller.feet.size.wear,meter,...

六年级下学期英语PEP版有哪些单元Unit 1 How Tall Are You? Unit 2 What's the Matter, Mike?Section ASection BSection C Unit 3 Last WeekendSection ASection BSection C Unit 4 My Holiday Recycle 1 L...

pep小学英语六年级下册56页翻译一张来自迈克的明信片 亲爱的---- 这张名明信片向你展示的是一张我的----照片。我们去了自然----。我们看到了绿色的----和美丽干净的----。哪儿的人不多。明天我们要去一个...

小学六年级下册英语英语中一般疑问句中的动词都是原形,而一般疑问句中的疑问词要根据主语来定,does your nose hurt 中的主语是your nose是第三人称单数 所以用dose 而do you have a headache 主...
