

09月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语六年级下册Unit5 A party第三课时Sound time]单元围绕 道路安全 这一话题,呈现了若干行路规则和安全知识,旨在引导学生树立正确过马路的安全意识。目标语法中情态动词must和mustn t的使用,恰当的表述了行路安全中的注意事...+阅读



( )1, A. book B. big C. bike

( )2, A. play B. pig C. pretty

( )3,A. your B. year C. yes

( )4,A. son B. run C. fun

( )5,A. shirt B. skirt C. short

( )6,A. garden B. great C. green

( )7,A. ball B. tall C. all

( )8,A. cold B. cool C. cake

( )9,A. nine B. nice C. night

( )10,A. wear B. weather C. wele


4:30、 P.E.

10:05 lunch

3:00 get up

6:50 go home

12:00 music class


( )1, A.lock B.clock C.book

( )2, A.puter B.picture C.chair

( )3, A.eight B.light C.right

( )4, A.shirt B.T-shirt C.shorts

( )5, A.door B.floor C.wall

( )6, A.this B.that C.there

( )7, A.nine B.nice C.night

( )8, A.mouth B.math C.more

( )9, A.where B.here C.there

( )10,A.close B.clock C.colour


( )1,A. We he a new puter room.

B. We he a new music room.

( )2,A. That is a board. B. This is a bird.

( )3,A. These are books. B. Those are pens.

( )4,A. Just a munite B. See you later.

( )5,A. It's on the first floor.

B. It's on the second floor.

( )6,A.Is this your skirt? B.Is this your jacket?

( )7,A.Take off your sweater. B. Take off your shirt

( )8,A.It’s time for lunch. B. It’s time to get up.

( )9,A.Is that the music room? B.Is this the puter room?

( )10,A.Wele to our school. B.Wele to my home.


( )1, A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am.

( )2, A. It’s a book. B. They are books

( )3, A.No, it isn’t B. Yes, I am.

( )4, A.It’s Amy. B.. It’s Mike’s

( )5, A. It's on the first floor. B. It's art room.



B:Is this your skirt,Alice?

C:Where is my skirt?

D:Yes,ti is.Thank you.

E:What colour is it?



1. skirt pants short jacket

2. lunch dinner cake breakfast

3. too five one nine

4. Chinese English Math class

5. green read yellow white

二,补全单词 (10)

1,计算机 c mp t r 2, 灯 li h

3, your 4,图片 pi tu e

5,八 ei t 6, what

7,时间 ti e 8,黄色的 y llo

9, skirt 10,地板 fl r


( )1, is your puter.

A,His B,That C,Hat

( )2,Is this a teacher's desk ———Yes,

A,it isn't B,is it C,it is

( )3,What are they —— .

A,That is a jacket. B,Those are my socks.

( )4,英语询问"现在几点了":

A,What is it B,Who is that C,What time is it

( )5,Where is the puter room It's on


A,the third floor B,the first floor C,the second floor

( )6,What is your sister name? name is Mary.

A. Her B. My C. She

( )7,Is this a teacher's office Yes, .

A. He is B. it is C. she is

( )8,What is it ?It's 4 o'clock.

A. colour B. time C. class

( )9,What colour are your socks ?They white.

A. is B. are C.do

( )10, is my brown jacket ?It is on the chair.

A. What B. How C. Where


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