

09月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语六年级下册Unit5 A party第三课时Sound time]单元围绕 道路安全 这一话题,呈现了若干行路规则和安全知识,旨在引导学生树立正确过马路的安全意识。目标语法中情态动词must和mustn t的使用,恰当的表述了行路安全中的注意事...+阅读

时间:60分钟 班级 姓名 分数

一. 听录音,选择正确的单词。(10分)

1.( ) A. birthday B. best C. because

2. ( ) A.climb mountains B.cook dinner C. clean the room.

3. ( ) A. for B. four C. floor.

4. ( ) A. there B. they C. then.

5. ( ) A. on the table B. in the box C. on the desk.

6、( ) A. write a letter B. write a report C. write an e-mail.

7、( ) A. plant trees B. play sports C. play the piano.

8、( ) A. eat dinner B. eat breakfast C. eight

9、( ) A. spring B. summer C. swim.

10、( ) A December B November C September

二. 听录音,根据问句内容,选答语。(10分)

( )1. A. There are four seasons in a year. B. Spring is my fourite season.

( )2. A. It's June 21st. B. It's Thursday.

( )3. A. No. He's playing football. B. Yes. He's very tall.

( )4. A. My mom is a doctor. B. Sure. Hold on, please.

( )5. A. They are cooking dinner. B. She is answering the phone.

三. 听录音,听对话,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)

( )1. A. take pictures B. draw pictures C. look at the pictures

( )2. A. December B. October C. November

( )3. A.catching butterflies B. counting insects C.collecting lees

( )4. A. swimming B. sleeping C. swinging

( )5. A.7:05 B.6:55 C.7:15




( )

1、I often ___my homework ___ 7:00 in the moring .

A、do,in B、does , at C、do , at

( )

2、We he two Chinese ____ _____ Monday.

A、Class, in B、classes, on C、classs, at

( )

3、____ do you get up in the morning ?

A、What B、Which C 、When

( )

4、What's the date today? It's November _____.

A、 21st B、21th C 、21nd

( )

5、Is ____ birthday in February?

A、you B、your C、me

( )

6、My mother ____up at 6:00 inthe morning.

A 、get B、getting C、gets

( )

7、Let’s ____a birthday card.

A、make B、 making C、makes

( )

8、When ____ you get up?

A、does B、do C、 are

( )

9、I can play_____snow.

A、to B、with C、in

( )

10、I usually eat dinner ____7:00 ____ the evening.

A、at ;in B、in: at C、at ;at


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