Vocabulary (30 marks)
(A) Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (12*1 = 12 marks)
My shoes need to be mended I am taking them to the _____________.
Ah Meng is a _____________.
My father is a labourer.
He wears a __________ when he works.
Keith is a ___________. He loves to eat.
John has been playing on the ___________ for the past hour.
I practise on the ____________ every day.
The ___________ in the cage longs to be free.
Look! There are so many __________ in the pond.
Jessie and Hongli are __________ in a restaurant.
Do not __________ Dan. He is studying very hard.
__________ is bad for health. It causes lung cancer.
Mother is __________ a cake in the oven.
(B) Choose the most suitable answer. Write its number in the brackets
provided.(8*1 = 8 marks)
( ) 13. There are many __________ in the hospital.
A. doctors B. accountants C. chefs D. cashiers
( ) 14. It is __________ of you to scream at her.
A. nice B. kind C. good D. rude
( ) 15. The patient went to the hospital in a/an ___________.
A. ambulance B. lorry C. van D. trolley
( ) 16. Please speak __________ in the library.
A. loudly B. softly C. rudely D. quickly
( ) 17. The old man takes a walk in the __________ every morning.
A. restroom B. depot C. park D. office
( ) 18. Singapore is a/an ____________ garden city.
A. awful B. ugly C. beautiful D. dirty
( ) 19. There are many ___________ in the mailbox.
A. pencils B. letters C. stamps D. coins
( ) 20. The __________ in the vase are withering.
A. flowers B. fruits C. food D. pens
(C) Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
21. The girls are hing a game of ___________.
(tennis, squash, badminton)
22. They are hing a ____________ time.
(fun, silly, sad)
23. It is _____________.
(sunny, cloudy, raining)
24. Please bring an ____________ along.
(stick, umbrella, helmet)
25. You would not want to get ____________, right?
(wet, dry, smooth)
26. Mother is wearing a __________.
(bracelet, necklace, anklet)
27. Father _________ it for her.
(bought, snatched, begged)
28. She looks _____________.
(awful, geous, puzzled)
29. There is a bee ___________ in the garden.
(iary, hive, nest)
30. The bees are making ___________.
(salad, honey, syrup)
Grammar (40 marks)
(D) Underline the correct word in each of the brackets.
(15 * 2 = 30 marks)
31. She (has, he) not been to the bird park.
32. We (has, he) finished the food.
33. I (has, he) not seen him for a long time.
34. My parents (has, he) given me some money.
35. He (has, he) not got a blanket.
36. James (has, he) a big toy plane.
37. They (has, he) bought a lot of fruits.
38. Mrs Tan (has, he) a headache.
39. My cat (has, he) run away.
40. Melissa and Mary (has, he) not been to China.
41. My mother (has, he) baked some cookies.
42. You (has, he) to do your homework on your own.
43. Mrs Tang (has, he) cleaned the table.
44. The hen (has, he) laid many eggs since Monday.
45. I (has, he) not written to Jim.
(E) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence
with a full-stop or with a question mark. (5*2=10 marks)
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