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[五年级下学期数学期末试卷]2012 2013学年春学期期末试卷 五年级数学 一、我会填(每题1分,共21分) 1. 在括号里填上合适的数, % 2.5600立方分米 = ( ) 立方米 7.12升 = ( ) 毫升 3.李明有ɑ张邮票,张华的邮票...+阅读


第一部分 听力(30点)


( )1 A e B came C home

( )2 A cut B but C put

( )3 A knife B knee C know

( )4 A thin B three C thirsty

( )5 A mountain B matter C monster

( )6 A cap B cat C cup

( )7 A biscuit B black C break

( )8 A win B won C with

( )9 A goal B good C gold

( )10 A fall B fell C tall


( )1 A I had a new book.

B I bumped my leg.

C I ate a banana.

( )2 A The monster had lots of fingers.

B I he ten long fingers.

C I cut my finger.

( )3 A Yes ,I did.

B Yes, I do.

C Yes, I can.

( )4 A I played football.

B They played basketball.

C He played the flute.

( )5 A I can speak English.

B I saw a monster.

C I he a good friend.

Ⅲ 听音,填空:(10点)

Monster had heads three children wanted eat ran away cried

There was a big ____. It ____ three ____ .There were _____ _____. The monster ____to ____the children.The children____ _____. Then I _____.

第二部分 笔试(70点)


( ) 1 How many children _____in your class? There are twenty-one.

A are there B is there C were there

( ) 2 Look!The baby _____.

A cries B is crying C cried

( ) 3 The boy say a monster _____ the TV.

A in B on C to

( ) 4 _____ the monster he two heads?

A does B Does C Did

( ) 5 This boy _____ a gold cup in the petition.

A win B wins C won

( ) 6 We went to _____ Great Wall.

A the B The C /

( ) 7 This old woman didn’t _____ food.

A has B he C had

( ) 8 This man _____ this bicycle in 1839 .

A invents B invent C invented

( ) 9 What’s the _____ ? I he got a stomache ache .

A matter B wrong C happened

( ) 10 What _____to you? I hurt my leg .

A happens B happened C happening


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