

09月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[六年级英语阅读理解How do I like to travel]How do I like to trel? Many people like to trel by plane, but I don’t like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You he to get there early a...+阅读


Meet the ‘Big 3’ 热火队的“三巨头”

The new NBA season (赛季) began on October 27,2010. What catches our eye the most this season? The Miami Heat (迈阿密热火队) has the “Big 3”.

Who are the “Big 3”? They are Dwyane Wade, LeBron James and Chris Bosh. They all play for the Miami Heat. Three great players are on one team. This doesn’t happen often in the NBA. Let’s listen to what one NBA fan thinks about it.

Wang Yuchen, 10, is from Shanghai. “I often watch the NBA games on weekends. My forite player is LeBron James. This season, the Miami Heat is powerful (强大的). I hope the ‘Big 3’ play together better and better,” he says.


1.( )The new NBA season (赛季) began on October 27,2009.

2.( )The Miami Heat (迈阿密热火队) has the “Big 3”: Dwyane Wade, LeBron James and Chris Bosh.

3.( )Three great players are not on one team.

4.( )Wang Yuchen's forite player is LeBron James.


1.F.从文章第一句The new NBA season (赛季) began on October 27,2010.“新一轮NBA赛季从2010年10月27日开始。”所以不是题目中说的“2009年”噢。

2.T.从文章第二段第一句Who are the “Big 3”? They are Dwyane Wade, LeBron James and Chris Bosh.可以得出答案噢。

3.F.从文章第五句In his diary, he writes many interesting stories about his life.“在日记里,他写了好多生活中有趣儿的故事。”可以知道这题是正确的。

4.F.从文章第四段前三句Wang Yuchen, 10, is from Shanghai. “I often watch the NBA games on weekends. My forite player is LeBron James.可以知道这题是正确的噢。


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