

09月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语六年级下册Unit5 A party第三课时Sound time]单元围绕 道路安全 这一话题,呈现了若干行路规则和安全知识,旨在引导学生树立正确过马路的安全意识。目标语法中情态动词must和mustn t的使用,恰当的表述了行路安全中的注意事...+阅读




例:(B) A. go B. e C. my {

解析:三个选项中只有单词e [k/m]中的字母 e 没有发音,因此应该选B。pP

( )

1、A. park B. lake C. treet+9

( )

2、A. boat B. toy C. duckX

( )

3、A. what B. how C. wez-=

( )

4、A. where B. here C. therecsG

( )

5、A. now B. know C. no5[cd

II. 开动脑筋,仔细分析,然后选出正确的单词完成下列句子。注意大小写呦!(20分, 每空2分)BI#H,

1、Jenny brushes teeth everyday. (her, she)S)k9nE

2、Mary and I are good friends. are in the same class. English is good. (our, we)z

3、Theyre Did and Sam. These are desk. (they, their)ylY

4、Mary is a pretty girl. is eleven years old. dress is nice. (her, she)n&e

5、Jim is a student. is very tall.)T

bag is green. (his, he)8=

6、Im Belle. That is dog. (I, my )b%ZqM

7、Do you always make lunch?`

(you , your)gt


(in, on, at, up, down, by, with, to, for, of )!%O$9

1.Can you teach me play breakfast.

2.Put your clothes, Jenny.

3. I see a dog a purple hat.

4. Happy birthday! This present is for you.

5.Look blackboard, please.+

6. You hit the ping-pong ball this paddle.

7. I bought a pair runners yesterday. {!

8. I go to school bus.n4

9. Stand , please.9+_Sb

10. Go this street and turn right.j

IV. 马虎的小明总是出错。瞧!下面是他写的几个句子,麻烦你帮他检查一下,如果有错请帮他改正。(10分)uMio

1.The tv is too loud.

2.Kim is playing violin.

3.Let’s listen the radio. HO(#:

4.She sing beautifully. ~

5.Do you he some balls?


V. 仔细阅读短文,理解全意,判断所给句子的正(√)误(×)。(10分)F

There is a big park beside my home. It has many trees and flowers in it. Under a big tree, there’s a big table and four stools. After supper, a lot of people go for a walk in the park. Some of them play badminton under a big tree. Some of them play checkers near the lake. And the children like to play on the playground(游乐场).F

The people in the park are all very happy.P+/g

( ) 1. The park is not big.F<

( ) 2. The park is across from my home.6

( ) 3. After lunch, many people go for a walk in the park.y*

( ) 4. The children like to play on the playground.1ocL[

( ) 5. There is a lake in the park.YuVi

( ) 6. Everyone in the park is very happy. 0$G


VI. 请根据提示写一篇介绍自己的小短文,让全国的小朋友都来认识你。(8分)MTYK

Hello! My name is . I live in . I am years old. My fourite colour is . I like play best. I can speak . I always at home. And I often . Do you like me?p7TU`


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