

05月16日 编辑 39baobao.com


首先说明一下,这是谷歌翻译的。记住“谷歌翻译”,这很有用,我不碰英语好多年了,你自己要修改一下!!!90 is no stranger to us now that their view of the behavioral characteristics and consumption so that we understand, some people say selfish and arrogant after 90, some people feel that they are confident of passion, 90 consumer behavior after the consumption of diverse students, lack of consumer rationality , the lack of financial management concepts, fashion-consumption patterns and other characteristics, the final analysis, both social reasons, but also lack of family education and school education reasons, therefore, from college students to enhance education and train students on the proper outlook on aspects of consumption, Correctly guide the consumer behavior of 90 college students. China Mobile grasp the new demands of students, in a certain time launched the "M-Zone", and loved by the students.


accroding to everyone ,the different economic is important 。and which is most suitble is best for you !as far as i am concerned ,Upper province of matter , separation and others's ratio top grade apparel , what college student three representative durable consumer products not to being particular about is important. Careless , eaten three meals a day to need to eat on schedule , need to be full but , wondered if you have looked at news report Chinese body constitution is not close to the steady decline in 20 , does not need bubble Internet bar. Move muchly. And and spend money buying the book , the library not self special field forward position book in connection with comparison, good special field It doesn matter. book takes a look at also much, (Mr. He Zhao Wu who recommends one capital "being at school story "'s, say southwest the United Nations General Assembly life)'s, breakfast mimics English arriving at level Four level the above, learn it disregarding whether you are fond of your special field or not. Wish that you are too substantial of one 4 years.and this is what i want to say ,i hope you will be well in you money!


Hello!I wonder if everyone is aware of the "energy saving" and "low carbon" two words mean?I took it for granted."Energy saving" is to save energy?" Low carbon "is to reduce carbon emissions?yeah,really simple.We often put them up in the mouth.But,do you really understand them?they really deeply rooted in your heart?

Once,materials,energy,waste and how rampant,now,"saving the glorious,shame," a new generation of pet phrase; once,the first of the "development",environmental problems often neglected situation happened,now,sustainable development,and nature in harmony became the biggest issue.It is not difficult to see that environmental issues are constantly being taken seriously.

In my opinion,to protect environment,the government must take even more concrete measures.First,it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education.Second,much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice,because more people means more people means more pollution.Finally,those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished.We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.



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