

03月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于英语演讲稿]It is a great honor to be here on this beautiful sunday morning to share with you my sentiments about life and passion for the English language. About a year an...+阅读

Cigarette pack warnings that remind smokers of the fatal consequences of their habit may actually make them smoke more as a way to cope with the inevitability of death, according to researchers. A small study by psychologists from the United States, Switzerland and Germany showed that warnings unrelated to death, such as "smoking makes you unattractive" or "smoking brings you and the people around you severe damage," were more effective in changing smokers' attitudes toward their habit. This was especially the case in people who smoked to boost their self-esteem, such as youth who took up the habit to impress or fit in with their peers and others who thought smoking increased their social value, the researchers said. "In general, when smokers are faced with death-related anti-smoking messages on cigarette packs, they produce active coping attempts as reflected in their willingness to continue the risky smoking behavior," the study said. "To succeed with anti-smoking messages on cigarette packs one has to take into account that considering their death may make people smoke." The study was based on 39 psychology students, aged between 17 and 41, who said they were smokers. Participants filled in a questionnaire to determine how much their smoking was based on self-esteem, were then shown cigarette packs with different warnings on them, and then after a 15-minute delay, the students were asked more questions about their smoking behavior that included if they intended to quit. "On the one hand, death-related warnings were not effective and even ironically caused more positive smoking attitudes among smokers who based their self-esteem on smoking," the study said. "On the other hand, warning messages that were unrelated to death effectively reduced smoking attitudes the more recipients based their self-esteem on smoking." The researchers said this finding can be explained by the fact that warnings such as "smoking makes you unattractive" may be particularly threatening to people who believe that smoking makes them feel valued by others or boosts their self-image. The study was published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.










所谓吸毒在医学上多称药物依赖和药物滥用,国际上通用术语则为麻醉品的滥用或药物滥用。在我国,过去传统使用的毒品主要是鸦片(俗称“大烟”),因最初吸鸦片的方式是从口鼻吸入,,所以人们将这种吸毒方式称为"吸"。过去在民间,"吸毒"与"吸大烟"是同义词。 现在,"吸毒"一词的内涵已扩大:一是毒品的范围扩大了,即凡不是以医疗为目的的滥用麻醉药品与精神药品,都属于吸毒的范围;二是吸毒的方式增多了, 由过去单一的吸发展为口服、肌肉注射和静脉注射等。贩卖毒品是犯法的,吸毒也是犯法的。

显然,吸烟卷与吸大烟(即鸦片)是不同的,但又有相同之处。因为烟草中含有尼古丁,而它是有毒的有害的物质。一支烟草所含的尼古丁可毒死一只小白鼠,20支烟草中的尼古丁可毒死一头牛。人的致死量是50~70毫克,相当于20~25支烟草的尼古丁的含量。如果将一支雪茄烟或三支烟草的尼古丁注入人的静脉内3~5分钟即可死亡。尼古丁摄入,可以使心跳加快,血压升高,虽然不能马上致死,但有害身体,等于变相吸毒,等于慢性自杀。据统计,全世界每年因吸烟死亡达250万人之多,所谓的香烟已经成为人类第一杀手。不仅如此,在有人吸烟的房间里,尤其是冬天门窗紧闭的环境里,室内不仅充满了人体呼出的二氧化碳,还有吸烟者呼出的一氧化碳,会使人感到头痛、倦怠[dài] ,工作效率下降,因此,吸烟也是不卫生、不文明、不道德的行为。同时,大人吸烟,对少年儿童的成长也是不利的。



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