

02月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[六年级语文练习6]第七讲部分内容: 上期习作选登: 《穷人》续写 成秋霞 桑娜拉开了帐子,丈夫举起马灯,看了看熟睡的孩子,满意地笑了笑…… 桑娜乘渔夫睡着后,悄悄地起床,把破了的渔网补了起来。 第二...+阅读


1. harder

2. most amazing

3. slept

4. 复述的好、重复的好

5. arrive at/in

6. monkeys

7. best

8. 一张…的清单、一列

9. ran

10. most surprising


1. faster

2. most amazing

3. better

4. the earliest

5. more quickly


1. I have 9 subjects this term.

2. I did my homework.

3. He is a worker.

4. Yes, I do. Because they are very interesting.

5. I am going to play basketball.


Ⅰ. 1. tutor 2. original 3. upset 4. argued 5. pushy

6. enough 7. style 8. matter 9. compare 10. complained

Ⅱ. 11. surprises 12. except 13. fail 14. pressure 15. compare 16. don't have enough money 17. what should I do/what to do next 18. ask your teacher for help 19. argue with each other for money 20. from a young age

Ⅲ. 21. more 22. sandwiches 23. was invited 24. interested 25. dancing 26. different 27. friend's 28. to buy 29. really 30. carefully

Ⅳ. 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. D 36. A 37. A 38. B

39. C 40. D 41. B 42. A 43. A 44. A 45. C

Ⅴ. 46. do you 47. doesn't need any 48. the same age as 49. should not , either 50. what to do

Ⅵ. 51-55 C B A D B 56-60 B A D A D

Ⅶ A. 61-65 A A D A C B.66 friends 67informtion 68quickly 69eyes 70correctly


we see with our eyes. if we have poor eyesight, it will be difficult to see everything clearly. so it s important to take good care of our eyes. it s quite unbelievable that an eye ball is the same size as a table tennis ball. in fact the eye ball is like a kind of mirror. we should do eye exercises every day. we also need to have a rest after a long period of reading.



Unit 5 What does your mother do?


Singer writer actor actress artist TV reporter engineer accountant policeman cleaner salesperson work


What does your mother do? 你妈妈是干什么的?

She is a TV reporter. 她是一个电视播音员。

Where does she work? 她在哪儿工作?

She works in a school. 她在学校工作。

How does she go to work? 她怎么去工作?

She goes to work by bus. 她乘公交车去工作。



teach—teacher clean—cleaner sing—singer dance—dancer

drive—driver write—writer TV report—TV reporter

act—actor act—actress art—artist engine—engineer


(1). 确定与句子划线部分相应的特殊疑问词,并且特殊疑问词代替相应的划线部分。

(2). 把特殊疑问词代替划线部分后的句子变成一般疑问句。


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