

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求英语3分钟演讲]Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping t...+阅读

四分钟有点长。可以念吗,不能念就很麻烦啊。wedding I'll describe my sister's wedding to you,This is the biggest event in my family in recent years.On that day, it is surprising that she woke up at about 6 o'clock ,which is unusual for her to wake up at that time and she went to make up her face before the mirror,then at 10 o'clock her fiance came to my house to pick up my sister with beautifully decorated cars. We are expected to play some tricks on the fiance when we were at home.The one I found the most interesting was hiding the my sister's shoes to let the him find,if he can't find them,he has to pay me to get the shoes.However,that day the fiance find the shoes and then he put them on my sister's feet.After that her fiance drived us to the ceremony site which was a large hotel,someone who was the host introduce my sister and her fiance to all the guests.Then the new couple will drink a glass of wine with their arm crossed. After that there was a big reception with dinner.When the guest eating around the tables,the new marriaged would toast to every table.And as for me I bought my sister's bag and her clothes,she usually need to change several clothes during the ceremony.And seeing the gorgeous smille from my sister's face,a thought crossed my mind is that it is simple to be happy.Sometimes having our lovers or family beside us is enough. Game The game I will describe to you is called "dropping the handkerchief".This game usually involves 10 or more children,the more the better.Actually,the last time I play this game was like 10 or more years ago. First,all the children sit next to each other in a circle ,and they all face to the center of the circle.And then the children started to sing a song,while at the same time,one child is chosen to run aroud that circle with the handkerchief. Then he can hide the handkerchief at the back of any one of the children without telling him or her.Then the dropper started to run,if the reciever notice the handkerchief behind his back,he is excepted to run as fast as he can with the handkerchief to catch the dropper,if the reciver can sucessfully catch the dropper before he sit in his or her seat,the dropper will continue to be the dropper,but if he failed to do so ,then the reciver will be the next dropper And what .has disappointed me is that today,the children are no longer playing that,instead they just sit before their computer and play their computer games.I think that is really their lost. Traffic Jam I guess the worse one would be that on the last summer holiday,my parents and I just came back from the vacation we have taken in HangZhou and we are on our way home.Because of the pouring rain that night,we had to drive home for an hour and a half and it will only take us 40 minuntes to drive home without the heavy rain . As we approached a narrow long curving bridge an accident occurred ahead with 4 vehicles and completely closed the road. We all had to stop with no way out in the pouring rain on a very miserable and sad night. We sat there for an hour before the rescue teams were able to arrive.Then We got out of our cars when the rains lightened and walked up to see the damage.Fortunately,no one died in this accident,however some were injured but not too bad.. Rescue finally found that it was the drunk driving that caused this accident. I think for those people who dirve after drunk,they are not only risking their own lifes,but also others lifes.It is really irresponsible. 你可以描述一个人的婚礼,给你三个,慢慢用吧。


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