

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我推荐一本书的演讲稿].《挪威的森林》 作者:村上春树 这是一本风靡全亚洲百分之百的恋爱小说,曾高居日本文学史上的“超级畅销书”。 这当然要被算成是村上春树的代表作。许多人认识这位日本人就是...+阅读

watched the Female Gymnastic events yesterday. It was really exciting. I appreciate those little lovely girls. Look at their small bodies, sweet smiles and naive appearance, if it is not at the competition, they are someone that you want to protect. However they are so strong. To face such big rivals, they were clam, confidence and brave. I think the champion is really for them. Congratulations!!!

Every athlete started training when they were very young. I don't think they have a colorful childhood, only endless practice. But they persevere with it. That's why most people like sports, either watching or playing, it is a great spirit. It tells us, Nothing is impossible, just keep moving!

I'm going on enjoying this sports spirit this summer. And keeping my feet on the ground, living all the days of my life.


护士岗位竞聘演讲稿去文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:谭韬君 护士岗位竞聘演讲稿(一) 大家好,今天有幸参加公开竞聘演讲,我感到非常高兴。这是领导对我的信任和鼓励,使同志们对我的支持,在此,我首先先...

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