

02月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我急需一篇演讲稿题目是大家帮帮](我没事来凑凑热闹) <&lt;让青春的光芒变得更加美好,即使是星星的光芒>> 同学们、老师们: 大家好,请问你们知道星星的光有多亮吗?它在天空的某一个角落里发着光,夜晚有了它而美好,月...+阅读

(Good evening everyone)(Thank you for you patience) The greatest invention in my eyes is the telephone, which is essential today in every house. And I believe that each person here own a lovely cell phone, including myself. What dose this phenomena mean? Needless to say, with only over 100-year's development, telephone has already assumed a role as a family member. (“ played an important part in our daily life ”. ) amazing invention, isn't it? And now, let us have a view at the evolution: thousands of years ago, it was not possible or at least very hard for people far away from home having contact with their hometown, which means they could do nothing but to lose contact with their family; then, hundreds of years ago, people away from home could keep in touch with their family only by letters, which they needed to wait for weeks, months for a response; and now, attention, within seconds you can have a pleasant talk with a somebody thousands and thousands away! Wonder, isn't it? Now, please draw a picture in your mind: you only need to pick up your cell phone, to press the amazing numbers, to wait for several seconds and after she/he get the telephone, to make your voice fly through the air-sea in the form of radio, then a contact is being made as I am making the speech for you. While, what I appreciate most is not the convenience the telephone offered, but the bridges it made which create contacts between you and your beloved parents, and your hometown thousands away. These bridges work as follows: when you are unhappy, bridge will be made to easy your broken heart by your lovely parents; when you are success, it will be made to share your enjoyment with your friends; when you are helpless, phone call will be made to strengthen your determination, also to give you encouragements. Through those bridges, can't you find something? Probably, after the speech, I may phone my parents. Thank you very much!


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