

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急求一篇以责任为主题的演讲稿围绕公司经营成果发展建设企业]今天我演讲的题目是:我们的责任心是企业远航的风帆! 岁月的流逝,生活的考验,工作的磨练,让我们少了一份天真、少了一份莽撞、少了一份激情,但却多了一份成熟、多了一份慎重,更多了...+阅读

I can be a self-confidence,self-confidence is a success,with self-confidence you have half the success.Depend on the success of that effort,and the clever and self-confidence factor for him in the middle of this self-confidence to have accounted for a lot of ingredients.I believe I can do everything,the ancient saying:"where there,a way," people today:"I can,may be unlimited!" I want to do next,Bill?Gates,because I believe I can,I want to do the next Pele,because I believe that I could,I would like to create a new invention,because I believe I can.There is such a story,it was the year before last summer,a boy and his football team to the city to attend a football game,it was his primary school age five,they are all team players playing,but because it is the first time Such a big game,the team is very tense after the game began everybody movements of direct religious ties,Fangbu Kai,the goals can not,by the second half,the team wants to give up,the boy's In a word so that the team has ignited a fighting spirit,"I believe we can do it!" And after that,they Shirupozhu team,eight-ball after another into the final game to win the victory,as the boy firmly believes that "I can do it" a success His team's victory,that is my boy.We have through the customs because I believe that we are able to do,we have self-confidence.For this in my life encountered any difficulties can Chuangguo Qu,because I firmly believe I can do,no matter the difficulties greater than the small,hard or easy,strong or weak.This is also true to life as God would have the option of self-confidence of the people who give them success.This is because human beings have a seemingly simple,"I can do it," so that civilization has been to move forward,so that science and technology has been moving forward.From Stone Age to modern civilization,that time is not inspired confidence in the people you move forward?Self-confidence to the people the courage to face what happened things,Rove.Hua more.Emerson said,


企业在我心中的演讲稿企业在我心中演讲稿--我们的责任心是企业远航的风帆 各位领导、各位评委、各位同事: 大家好! 首先我要感谢公司领导、公司工会委员会、妇委会和共青团组织给我们提供的这样一...

求助一篇企业兴衰我的责任演讲稿2000字左右自己写的不要网上下企业兴衰,我的责任 ——读《天下兴亡,我的责任》想到的 《天下兴亡,我的责任》是台湾著名教育家高震东教授在内地一所师范院校作演讲的讲演稿,高教授以“道德·教育·爱国”为中...


以我的未来不是梦为主题的演讲稿去文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:代小芳 【演讲稿】 我的未来不是梦演讲稿 尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 孩提时,时常看着大人们随心所欲的做着自己想做的事。心里总是...


我的未来不是梦写一篇四百字的演讲稿万物都有一扇门,而且每扇门的钥匙应该都不同。但是,却有一把万能钥匙可以打开任意一扇门,它就是"理想",远大的理想就是开启万物的钥匙。 "理想"是一个再普通不过的话题,可是每个人却...


爱学习有专长的班会演讲稿我爱学习,走向成功 尊敬的各位老师、亲爱的同学们: 非常高兴,我们又相聚在这阳光明媚的早晨。 今天我在国旗下讲话的题目是“我爱学习,走向成功”。 我们经常会这样说,明天会更好...

急求重赏!一篇国旗下演讲稿主题:爱学习爱劳动爱祖国鲜艳的五星红旗在雄壮的国歌声中冉冉升起了,我们又迎来了一个崭新的星期。 大家都看到了后面的横幅,我们学校将开展“爱学习、 爱劳动、 爱祖国”(三爱教育)的主题实践活动,今天...
