

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com


If someone often repeatedly to you nag: "what do you want self-confidence!" Frankly speaking, that means you lack confidence。 If a tens of thousands or even millions of youth groups, always should rely on outside remind, persuasion and encouragement to boost confidence, that will have to a reflection, they are really lacking self-confidence, or others always used to wear blinders be categorized into "no confidence" category? Also, cause them to lose confidence roots in where? I said this part teenager groups, the standard "scientific" called secondary vocational students。

In Shanghai, admitted to secondary schools, and each year the number of technical accounted for about 60 percent of the junior middle school graduates, namely, four or five million people。 And in the country, at present number of secondary vocational students in school 24000 million as。 From the mass media is "moral education experience" to see, a lot of massive flooding is they are taught to self-confidence, to over。e the inferiority, even trained them to hold your head up high。

It's a bit inconceivable。 A 2081 years sunshine teenager adolescent girl, how to step into the gate in vocational schools, became lift head pretty doesn't chest "focal cats" deep-rooted? If our nine-year 。pulsory education students each year, cultivate there up to 30 percent of the people to be flowing buckle on a hat "no confidence" hat, it cannot say education sadness or education prejudice。 Country needs a large number of high-tech innovation talent, meanwhile, also need to millions of XuHu, Nancy ZhangBingGui, like this profession technical expert。

Undertake duty is in training future the formidable task of high quality technical talents。 But the problem is, now in vocational schools, the student's junior high school and primary school transport in exam, almost none key high school, famous university as the highest goal。 "Not good study, the future will go read duty school!" Became a primary school and middle school teacher reprimand a student habit language。 School is not only its utmost to each, but in the unceasing elimination - into the schools is equal to eliminate a batch of, take an examination of the university and eliminated。

Exam-oriented education and "elite education" became twin brothers, education "and" eliminated for education for the best test interpretation and liberation。 You say, if even our foundation education are so shortsighted, so narrow, so don't self-confidence, how can you expect cultivate students with pride? vЖ


以我的未来不是梦为主题的演讲稿去文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:代小芳 【演讲稿】 我的未来不是梦演讲稿 尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 孩提时,时常看着大人们随心所欲的做着自己想做的事。心里总是...


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