

01月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英文自我介绍翻译应聘船员]Basketball-loving swimmers. Honest, like to make friends. The University to do three years, I have to go out every weekend to do part-time, so I have a good wor...+阅读

Dear Interviewer,

I am ABC, index number 3-3. And am very honor to be here and wish to share with you more about myself. I am from Liaoding city graduated from Shengyang Construction University, major in Urban Design and Human Resource management. I am 183 cm and weight 80kg, I have worked in pysical department in college with strong organizing capabillity, independent, merticulate, responsible, mature and love most of sports activities.

I have strong sense in works commiment and under your supervision and guidance and I can fulfill my dream job in your organization.


求一篇会计英文面试自我介绍这里有一篇范文,参考一下,希望有所帮助 我来自湖北宜昌,现居住在深圳,已经离职。 本人毕业于中南财经政法大学会计专业,2002年南下广东,就职于东莞天盛公司,先后从事总经理秘书、行...

面试会计的简单自我介绍用英文怎么说你好, 首先,礼貌地感谢面试官给你这次面试的机会。 第一段:.姓名,学校专业,学历, 个人爱好,求职意向第二段:自己这几年的表现,可以从学习、所获奖励; 学生干部工作内容,锻炼了哪些能力(...

英文版求职会计自我介绍怎么写Gentlemen, I have been told by Mr。John L。Pak,Credit Manager, The Business Book Publishing,New York, with whom I believe you are acquainted,that you are expect...

去外企面试的自我介绍英文My job is automation engineer, currently involved in the company's new production of polysilicon pilot project, the project is mainly responsible for the automa...

外企面试英文自我介绍帮忙翻译I'm XXX from Dalian. I graduated from a junior college this year. I'm fond of sports. I'm a optimistic boy of cheerful temper. I like to try new things and beli...

中文自我介绍翻译为意大利语Salve(=你好,或者可以用 Buongiorno上午好, Buonasera下午好),Mi chiamo XXX, ho 19 anni, diplomato in uno dei licei migliori della provincia XX, sono molto attratto dall...

请帮我将下列中文的自我介绍翻译成意大利文谢谢!Ciao!Mi chiamo Cici,quest'anno ho 17 anni.Il mio compleanno è il xxxx.Sono una cinese di Pechino.Pechino è una bella città.Adesso abito a Sidney.Tu in quale...

意大利语翻译考口语考试前请允许我自我介绍谢谢高兴能参加考试我叫Parlando prima l'esame e la prova, mi consenta di introdurre stessi, la ringrazio, sono molto lieto di partecipare a questo esame, Ciao, Il mio nome è &%…, mi...

求一篇英文面试人事助理自我介绍面试英语自我介绍的常用句型: 1. I got a degree in Literature and took a course in typing. 我获得了文学学士学位,还学过打字。 2. I haven't done anything like that be...
