

12月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[商务英语专业的自我介绍一分钟左右希望不要有语法错误复制的]Hello,Everyone: Let me introduce myself first,my name is **,my major is Business English,I am from **,it is a beasutiful city,and there is a lot of tourist attr...+阅读

我们为什么学英语(Why We Learn English) English is an important language, because it is the most widely used in the world. It is spoken not only in England, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand but also in many other countries in the world. It is reported that there're more than 20 countries and 550 million people to speak English is their native language. Though Chinese is spoken by the largest number of people in the world, yet it isn't the most widely used. English is a current language in the world. At international conferences, English is one of the chief working languages. In foreign affairs, international trade and cultural exchange over the world are published in English. Over two thirds of radio stations are broadcast in English. About 85 percent of international letters and business are written in English. So the English language is even more important and useful than any other languages in the world. With the development of out country's economy and culture, we must strengthen coming and going friendly with the people all over the world. We not technology and make out economy develop quickly. This makes it necessary for us to learn English well. If we learn the current language well, we can get much cultural exchange and advanced science and technology from foreign countries. In order to make our country become very rich and strong and make out life even better, we must learn English well.


面试时外贸业务员怎么用英语自我介绍面试时,外贸业务员怎么用英语自我介绍 如果你想学习外贸英语,外贸行业英语,外贸专业术语,外贸贸易术语等等, 我推荐:深圳外贸论坛szfob--外贸英语版块 深圳外贸论坛的外贸英语版块...

英语优化设计六年级下册41i. 1-5 abbcc 6-10 abbab ii. 1. are, going to 2. what is,do 3. whydoes, like 4. how does , play iii. 1. famous soccer star 2.arrives at / getsto 3. going to be 4...

2016优化设计六年级下册英语pep40页作文题目A modern Chinese wedding is worth mentioning of its ceremony. Above all, marriage is one of the three most important of human's life. Of course, bridgeroom and...

六年级下册英语优化设计第39页作文怎么写Ashamed to say, I had some stupid timid character weakness, so not only is often bullied, for they have noconfidence, shilly Shally, undesirable, and thus be di...

3到4分钟左右英语演讲稿主题、:“和谐校园” 内容如下:(谢谢采纳) Fellow students, I wish to talk to you about a topic of utmost importance: harmony on campus. Sure, this goal appears simple...

求一篇以我爱学英语为主题的英文演讲稿两到三分钟e时间就“ I love learning English Hello, everyone! I am very happy to make a speech here. Today the topic of my speech is 'I love learning English '. Everyone knows En...

请你写一篇演讲稿向全班同学介绍你学英语的经验体会内容包括:Dear comrades, How can we learn English well? This is a problem we often think of . At first I thought that the most important thing in learning English was to...

初中生学习英语的好方法发言稿 200字左右你好; (很高兴为您解答疑问,满意请采纳,谢谢了O(∩_∩)O) 一、制订计划,周密安排。根据自己的实际情况制订具体而又切实可行的学习计划,既有学期的长计划,又有每个月的短安排。计划可...

准备做一次演讲号召全班同学努力学英语写一篇演讲稿Now wanted everything to use English. English of involve noodles more wide.come out society, if will not speak English to also be equal to language to have some...
