

12月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学五年级竞选文明礼仪岗演讲稿 400字左右]1竞争**委员敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 今天,我决定竞选**委员。我非常荣幸今天有机会参加竞选。在过去的时间里,我一直努力,努力直到这一天有资格登上这个讲台,虽然我不算...+阅读

Dear comrades,

How can we learn English well? This is a problem we often think of . At first I thought that the most important thing in learning English was to memorize new words and English grammar. So my English used to be very poor . When our teacher found out my problem, she suggested that I pay attention to idioms and useful expressions. He told me that we could only learn English well by using it—reading, listening, speaking and writing as much as possible. I followed his advice and since then my English has been greatly improved. In the latest English contest, I took the first place.

I have made up my mind to work still harder at my English so as to master the language and serve our country better in the future.

Thank you.




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