
learn to say no的演讲稿简单一点

12月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急求一篇病人至上廉洁行医为主题的演讲稿]知耻明德 廉洁行医 “医无德者,不堪为医。”医者德为先!纵观古今,古有华佗广施人道不分贵贱;孙思邈精诚大医黎民苍生,今有“非典”战场上用生命谱写赞歌的叶欣……他们的一生无不...+阅读

For most of us , saying “no” is very difficult. We don't want to offend or disappoint people. As a result, we have to spend too much of our time and energy on doing things, which seriously interferes our work. But it requires a great time and energy for us to pursue our goal. In fact, not only do we have to devote most of our time but also our heart and soul. Therefore, even if a request is legitimate and important, sometimes we just have to say “no” in order to prevent too great a toll on our time. And it is possible to decline a request in ways that do not seem rude or unkind. Here are some nice ways to say “no”.

You may pay a compliment as you say “no”. Take a university professor, Delores, for example, when someone calls asking him to serve on their board, and he knows that he just can't do it. He often say, “ I'm so glad you thought of me. I am a big fan of your orgnization, but my schedule just won't allow me to accept your invitation.”

You may also decline in a positive way. For example, “That's a good product, but it's not something we can use at this time,” is a gentle way to say “no”.

Buy yourself some time. Seldom do you have to give a yes or no answer on the spot. Even if you feel strongly that your answer will be no. Buy yourself sometime by saying “Let me think about it”, “Let me talk it over with my family” and so on.


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