

05月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求高手帮忙把这一段的工作介绍翻译成英文谢谢了。。。]I'm from Changsha factory integrated management department, my job is comprehensive management specialist and Party Affairs Commissioner, is responsible for the...+阅读

1. database daily monitoring and maintenanceReal-time local factories and CIC, OPEN the database operation monitoring, such as db lock, cpu and memory usage, wait event, etc.Periodic table space usage, the database backup status monitoring.2. database emergency and emergency treatmentDatabase on OP reports an exception for timely processing, such as shutdown, alter db log an error ora-, table space-thresholds, archiving, and backup failed, etc.3, database optimizationOn the business performance of the database for tuning, and monitoring to identify slow-running SQL.Through the optimization of the database on LNTDERN1_LNTPROD to CPU usage significantly decreased, as Poland has done a project online.There are also on LGESYMDBSY1M_CHMES, LGENT_NTMES, LNT-XM, SQL tuning, some business module performance has dramatically improved.4, database, and backup and recoveryDue to business needs, such as for a new server, deploy, development environment, completed a production environment for data backup and recovery,On the part of the plant database do backup policy adjustments. If LGENT_GSPISND LGECHMWDDBJ0Q_EZPTEST LGEHN_MES, etc,5. complete new database creation and patchDue to business needs, create and deploy a new database, such as the cnmas, CHNATMTAnd team members completed the CIC dblink patch upgrade all databases, and other security patch upgrade6, domestic travel project and human support

(1). the complete Guangzhou LGD database deployment projects

(2). the complete project of Tianjin FANHAN database optimization

(3). daily to Fuzhou MKL database monitoring and maintenance7. participation in the database migration and integrationAnd team members completed a LGECHMDBBJ1Q Server database consolidation and migration work8, KEB RAC database environment monitoring and maintenance9, new technology and skills upgrading of learningThrough their own learning, on AIX, SOLARIS, UNIX, LINUX systems have a better understanding of oracle 10g\11g enhances learningThe next annual work plans and prospects:1. do a good job database daily monitoring and maintenance work.2. database emergency treatment to more timely and accurate.3, conscientious and individual business sector database support.4. on the database high availability, and new technologies are more in-depth learning to adapt to the company's development.Individual assessment and concluded:All in all this work is done smoothly, as a member of the DBA team, be responsible for completing the leaders and team tasks, assigned by the MinisterTimely and accurate processing of various database exception, the maintenance system stability, the error loss to a minimum. Be careful to comply with company rules and regulations, the sense of ownership.In a year's work, I feel my ability of technology has dramatically improved, so I hope the new year wage increase can be adapted to reflect my values.Finally, I wish the company and our departments and the team of everyone in the new year is a good development.Thank you!




一、学生的基本情况 七年










1、教学工作 本人对工作扎扎实实、兢兢业业,以为不管甚么工作只要尽心尽力地去做,都会有一种成绩感。在这类正确的思想和理念指导下,工作起来就如鱼得水。首先,我认真地分析教材的编写特点及体系,知道了中学英语必须要求把握的学习内容,然后就有的放矢地结合中学生的生活实际进行口语、辞汇、句型的练习。每次备课时,我都仔细研究教材、考虑学生的分层和知识差异,穿插一些生动有趣的游戏活动和中西方文化差异故事。通过这些活动,增强了学生的英语学习热情和爱好。而且,我经常故意识地给学生们创设说英语的环境,课堂上也尽可能要求他们用英语提问。总之,通过一系列的手段让学生体会到学、用英语的乐趣,养成使用英语的良好习惯和意识。

2、学困生转化工作 学困生转化工作也是英语教学的一个重要环节。假如老师只重视优秀学生的教学那末我敢判定他的教学是失败的。好的教师应是通过抓两头,促中间的方法到达班级语言水平的平衡、***发展。熟悉到这一点后,我经常利用课间给差生补课。每次重点选择两个学生,根据课堂里发现的不足给他们加餐。这样反复地重复所学知识,大部份学生能对本学期的内容很熟练地应用。为了进步学生的成绩,我还组织了英语爱好小组,采取互帮互助的活动情势,使他们养成对英语的浓厚爱好。

3、其他工作 在尽可能教好本学期教学内容的同时,我还给学生补充了很多课外知识,这一切不但扩大了学生的知识面,而且进步了学生的学习积极性。 总之,本期工作中的成绩是引以为豪的,不足的地方也是在所难免的。我相信大家都一样,重要的是在下一学期的工作中戒骄戒躁,各项工作都能以更大的起色去赢得家长挑剔眼光的赞成、同仁敬佩眼光的羡慕,领导敬佩眼光的认同!


Being a new staff since May, I have eagerly adapt and immerse in the new working environment. Within the few months, I have done my best and within the required time frame, to develop or maintain the required responsibilities give to me. I have also kept a good communication channel with my colleagues to address any issues through exchange of ideas or solving the problems together. I have learned diligently and through practical hands on sessions, I have gradually grasp all kinds of skills required in the jobs. I have obtained a good understanding of our company;s unique framework and technical terms. From my experience, I have made notes of the experience shared by my fellow workers and I believe these will help me in times to come when I have to tackle more difficult challenges. For future development of software and the associated technology, it is essential to improve my English and especially oral communication, in order to have a broader and deeper understanding of the technical development and understanding of the business operation.


The year end is coming, before we move on to the new year, it's high time for all of us to do a review for the year. To me, doing this annual review is like getting a report card. It's no different with my annual review – except these results aren't for my studies – they're bigger. They're for my life.



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