

04月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小班科学摸摸里面有什么教案]活动过程: 1、触摸、感受。 (1) 请幼儿摸一摸鸡窝里面的鸡蛋,说一说你摸到了什么?它是什么样子的。引出词语“圆溜溜”。 教师:小朋友,猜猜看。这里面有什么?请小朋友们摸一摸。 (...+阅读

Push Play (feat. Miriam Bryant) - Zedd

With my words, across your face,

you;re making up stories of your own.

Little bits of white paper,

in pockets deeper than you know.

You painted black upon the whitest lies

you;ve seen them fall, you have seen them rise,

you painted black upon the whitest lies, lies, your lies.

Push play, stop rewind

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind,

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind.

You painted black upon the whitest lies

you;ve seen them fall, you have seen them rise,

you painted black upon the whitest lies, lies, your lies.

Push play, stop rewind

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind,

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Close enough to see your hands - sneaking out of these,(his) embrace

Paper thin, whispering, breaking in

You painted black upon the whitest lies

you;ve seen them fall, you have seen them rise,

you painted black upon the whitest lies, lies, your lies.

Push play, stop rewind

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind,

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind,

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind

you drown your heroes in red wine.

Push play, stop rewind,


歌曲:比多更多歌手:沙宝亮 专辑:比多更多 LRC歌词 HOT• 搜索 "比多更多"mp3 打印预览 man别太罗嗦oh my god女人最怕男人的话太多run别慢动作easy come的爱情总会easy go(l.o .v .e love)每天提供给她的爱情多更多(l.o .v .e love)每天都要献上我的爱多更多i give more more morei miss you more more morei love you more more more爱的多更多i give more more morei miss you more more morei love you more more more爱的多更多(爱的更多)...




你为什么偷偷又摸摸啊 偷偷摸摸跟人去拍拖 你瞒着我呀 你躲着我呀 偏偏你又遇到我 难道你还不认错

什么叫着偷偷又摸摸呀 偷偷摸摸难道就算错 你自己想啊 你自己说呀 你又不是去拍拖 怎么你会遇到我

你拍拖又不是我拍拖 你还要骂我错 我没有错 你也没有错 拍拖又算什么

香港哪个不是去拍拖呀 哪个不是偷偷又摸摸 我也不说你 你也不说我 姐妹两个都没错 明天一块去拍拖


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