

03月01日 编辑 39baobao.com




A: Can you help me plan the office party?

B: Sure. What do you need the most help with, the food or entertainment?

A: I need help with food.

B: OK, well, let's coordinate our efforts. Should this party be formal or casual?

A: I think it should be casual.

B: I agree. Next, we have to decide on food. We have a choice of Chinese or Continental

Cuisine. Which one should we have?

A: I would prefer Chinese food for this party.

B: Perfect choice. For music, should we have a live band or a DJ?

A: I think we should hire a live band.

B: OK then. Well, I will work on my part and get back to you with my progress on Friday.


A: I need help with the office party.

B: Yes, of course. We could split it. What part would you like to do, the food or the


A: I have no idea what the entertainment should be.

B: Let's make sure we are on the same page. Do we want a formal or informal gathering?

A: Let's make it a formal affair.

B: Yes, that would be best. Now, for food should we have Chinese or American food?

A: American food would be the best choice.

B: That would be great. What kind of music would you like, a band or recorded music?

A: We should bring in a really good DJ.

B: That works for me. Let's see what we can each do about planning our part and meet

again on Friday.


以下是一篇生日派对的对话,希望对你有帮助。 朱莉: Hi, Alex. Welcome to my birthday party! 嗨.艾力克.欢迎来参加我的生日聚会! 艾力克: Hi, happy birthday!Here is a present for you! 嗨.祝你生日快乐!我给你带了一个礼物. 朱莉: Oh, it`s so kind of you! What is it? 哦.你想得真周到!是什么? 艾力克: Why don`t you open and see? 你打开看看不就知道了吗? 朱莉: Wait, let me guess; is it a box of chocolate? 等等.先让我猜猜.是不是一盒巧克力? 艾力克: No. Just open it and you will see. 不是.打开看看吧. 朱莉: Ok. It is a big surprise. A dress! Look at this beautiful dress! 好的.对我来说是个惊喜哦.一件裙子!这件裙子真漂亮! 艾力克: Do you like it? 你喜欢吗? 朱莉: Yes, I love it. Thank you so much. Have a good time here. 是的.我很喜欢.非常感谢你!祝你今晚玩得开心. 艾力克: I`m glad you like it. Is everybody here now? 你喜欢就好.所有人都到齐了吗? 朱莉: Not yet, let`s wait inside. 还没呢.我们进去等吧.


A:Well, if it isn't John. How are you keeping these days?

B:I'm fine.And you?

A:So am I.um..I'm going to hold a party this coming Saturday.

B:Wow!It sounds great.Do you need my help?uh,you see,maybe you want someone to decorate or invite some friends.

A:yeah,yeah,but,i mean ,um..Are you available these days?i not only need your help but also plan to call on you and invite you to come my party.you are sure to come,aren't you?

B:absolutely!it's my pleasue.

A:thank you for your coming.

B:uh..by the way,when will it be held?


B:Fine.see you soon.

A:enjoy yourself!Bye~


a:I just got the invitation to (name) birthday on (date).我刚刚得到某个人的生日邀请.

b,c,d,e:yes,we got it as well.(我们也得到了)

a:you do guys have any ideas what we should give her/him as birthday presents?(你们有什么建议我们应该准备什么东西给他吗?)

b:not yet,but i was thinking i could give her/him a bear or something,cause i heard her saying she likes animal toys.(我还没有,但是我在想我可以给他一个玩具熊,应为我听见他说他喜欢动物玩具)

c:i have already prepared for her,haha,i made a card within which i paint a little bit inside.and i made a cake for her/him.since i know she/he likes straberry kind,i made the outside layer strawberry flavored and the second layer chocolate flavor and filled the most inside full of pineapple which i know it is her/ his favorate.(我已经为他准备好了,我为他亲自作了生日卡还画了一点画在里边,和作了一个蛋糕给他,我知道他喜欢草莓味的东西,我把最外边的做成了草莓味,把中间做成了巧克力味,最里面的是填满了他最喜欢的菠萝)

d:that sounds like you have made some efford on it,best friend huh.(听起来你是费了很多功夫嘛,怪不得说死党呢)9

e:i really don't know what should i prepare,plus you guys have already prepared for everything.(我真的不知道我该送什么,你们什么都准备了)

a:what about singing a song at his/her birthday party or having a dance for him/her,i imagine he/she would be so happy to see it plus it would be so supprising to her.(准备唱歌歌,或者跳个舞在他的生日派对上,那一定很精彩,他也肯定会喜欢)

b:huh,that sounds like a plan,but don't you like public speaking?if so,you can just write a letter or draw something for her/him as long as it is made by you.(那挺好的,但是你不是不喜欢公众表演吗,如果是这样的话,你可以写封信或者画个画之类的呀,只要是你亲手做的就可以了)

e:i will think about it then.(好吧我想想吧)

d:haha,mine must be the suprising one among you guys.i comprised a song for her/him.you know happy birthday song was comprised by a little girl who didn't have any money,maybe my song will become hot in the future.(哈哈,我的礼物肯定是最令人惊喜的,我写了首歌给他,你们知道生日快乐歌是一个没有钱准备礼物的小女孩写的吧,说不定我的个以后也能传遍大街小巷呢)

a:altight,guys,let's hit it.(好吧,各位,我们各自去准备吧)


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