

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com


1.The Prophecy 2.Concerning Hobbits 3.The Shadow of the Past 4.The Treason of Isengard 5.The Black Rider 6.At the Sign f the Prancing Pony7.A Knife in the Dark 8.Flight to the Ford 9.Many Meetings 10.The Council of Elrond ('Aniron' Composed & Performed by Enya) 11.The Ring Goes South 12.A Journey in the Dark 13.The Bridge of Khazad Dum14.Lothlorien 15.The Great River 16.Amon Hen 17.The Breaking of the Fellowship 18.May It Be (Composed & Performed by Enya) 第二部:The Two Towers 1.Forndations of Stone 2.The Taming of Sméagol 3.The Riders of Rohan 4.The Passage of The Marshes 5.The Uruk-hai 6.The King of the Golden Hall 7.The Black Gate is Closed 8.Evenstar Bayakdarian 09.The White Rider 10.Treebeard 11.The Leave Taking 12.Helm's Deepore 13.The Forbidden Pool 14.Breath of Life 15.The Hornburg 16.Forth Eorlingas 17.Isengard Unleashed 18.Samwise the Brave 19.Gollum's Song 第三部:The Return of the King 01 A Storm Is Coming 02 Hope and Memory 03 Minas Tirith 04 The White Tree 05 The Steward of Gondor 06 Minas Morgul 08 Twilight and Shadow 10 Andúril 11 Shelob's Lair 12 Ash and Smoke 13 The Fields of the Pelennor 14 Hope Fails 15 The Black Gate Opens 16 The End of All Things 17 The Return of the King 18 The Grey Havens 19 Into the West



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