
朱梓骁新浪博客的歌叫什么标题是 hey朱梓骁

01月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[总结的标题和前言个有几种写法]总结的标题和前言的写法: 1、标题可将主要内容、性质作标题,如不能表达出完整意思时,在正标题下可以再拟副标题。 (1)陈述式标题。陈述式标题即一般公文式标题,由单位名称、时间...+阅读

这首歌叫《And The Boys 》,是两个叫Angus和Julia Stone 的人发表在他们的Myspace主页上的,目前我在谷歌你可以在百科上搜到他们的资料,在mp3上搜他们的名字在第19项上就是这首歌。


It's been days now and you change your mind again it feels like years and i can tell how time can bend your ideas

and the boys go on and on and on and on and the boys go on and on and on and on and there's gold falling from the ceiling of this world falling from the heartbeat of this girl falling from the things we should have learned falling from the things we could have heard

well it's been days now and you change your mind again all the cracks in the walls reminds you of things we said and i could tell you that i wont hurt you this time but it's just safer to keep you in this heart of mine

and the boys go on and on and on and on and the boys go on and on and on and on and there's gold falling from the ceiling of this world falling from the heartbeat of this girl falling from the things we should have learned falling from the things we could have heard

and the boys go on and on and on and on and the boys go on and on and on and on and there's gold falling from the ceiling of this world falling from the heartbeat of this girl

falling from the things we should have learned falling from the things we could have heard

falling from the people that we heard falling from the love we never earned falling from the sky that should have burned falling from my heart

上面有一句打错了,是在百科上,那个谷歌是不小心打上去的。 这是他们在唱片《A Book Like This 》发行之后出的第一首歌。


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