

01月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[一设计目标用C语言或C编程实现物流配送管理系统主要巩固和]首先建立一个结构体,包含以下属性:物品名称、物品编号、物品出厂地、物品配送地、配送方式、配送个数、配送金额、配送日期(年、月、日)等 然后调用STL中的list(链表),简单点的可以...+阅读

-- Create table create table Student( S_No varchar2(20), S_Name varchar2(20) not null, S_Sex varchar2(2) default '男', S_Birthday date);-- Add comments to the table comment on table Student is '学生';-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints alter table Student add constraint Pri_S_No primary key (S_NO);-- Create table create table Course( C_No varchar2(20), C_Name varchar2(40), Grade number(4,1));-- Add comments to the table comment on table Course is '课程';-- Add comments to the columns comment on column Course.Grade is '分数';-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints alter table Course add constraint Pri_C_No primary key (C_NO);-- Create table create table T_Course( S_no varchar2(20), C_no varchar2(20), Grade number(4,1));-- Add comments to the table comment on table T_Course is 'take the course选课信息';-- Add comments to the columns comment on column T_Course.Grade is '成绩';-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints alter table MEA.T_Course add constraint For_S_No foreign key (S_NO) references Student (S_No); alter table MEA.T_Course add constraint For_C_No foreign key (C_NO) references Course (C_No);3:-- Add/modify columns alter table Student add S_Tel varchar2(20);-- Add comments to the columns comment on column Student .S_Tel is '电话';4:-- Add/modify columns alter table Course modify C_Name CVARCHAR2(20);5:INSERT INTO Student (S_No, S_Name,S_Sex, S_Birthday ) VALUES ('A001','日月哥','女',to_date('20110515','yyyyMMdd')) 其他你自己来6:update Course set Grade =Grade +1 7:-- Create/Recreate indexes create unique index PK_oo on Student(S_Birthday order by desc);8:select s.S_No, avg(tc.Grade) from Student s,T_Course tc where s.S_No=tc.S_No group by s.S_No9:delete T_Course tc where tc.S_No='A000'; delete Student s where s.S_No='A000'; 思考题自己来,我用的orcal,这都不给分的话,爆你菊花啦


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