

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com


Wildast Dreams - Taylor Swift He said let's get out of this town Drive out of this city away from the crowds I thought Heaven can't help me now Nothing lasts forever But this is gonna take me down He's so tall and handsome as hell He's so bad but he does it so well I can see the end as it begins My one condition is Say you'll remember me Standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset babe Red lips and rosy cheeks say you'll see me again Even if it's just in your Wildest dreams aah ha Wildest dreams aah ha I said no one has to know what we do His hands are in my hair His clothes are in my room And his voice is a familiar sound Nothing lasts forever But this is getting good now He's so tall and handsome as hell He's so bad but he does it so well And when we've had our very last kiss My last request is Say you'll remember me Standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset babe Red lips and rosy cheeks say you'll see me again Even if it's just in your Wildest dreams aah ha Wildest dreams aah ha You see me in hindsight Tangled up with you all night Burning it down Some day when you leave me I bet these memories Follow you around You see me in hindsight Tangled up with you all night Burning it down Some day when you leave me I bet these memories Follow you around Say you'll remember me Standing in a nice dress Staring at the sunset babe Red lips and rosy cheeks say You'll see me again Even if it's just in pretend Say you'll remember me Standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset babe Red lips and rosy cheeks say you'll see me again Even if it's just in your Wildest dreams aah ha Wildest dreams aah ha Even if it's just in your Wildest dreams aah ha In you wildest dreams aah ha


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