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[考研英语大作文格式开头用空格吗]需要空格的。 作文书写时还要注意词与词之间要保持一定的距离,不能紧靠在一起。字母之间的连写也应该按照习惯,不能随意乱来。防止字母或跳上跳下,或一律写成同一高度,占上中两...+阅读



My Travel Plan--01

I have a travel plan. I'm going to be in the Shaihai from January eighteenth to the twenty-fifth. I'm going to buy some clothes and books.I'm going to be in the Chouzhou from January twenty-sixth to the thirty-first. I'm going to visit my grandma . I'm going to be in the Guangzhou from February first to the fifteenth. I'm going to Disney Land.

My Travel Plan--02

My father and I have a travel paln. We will go to Australia this winter. We will have a great time. First day, we are going to Sydney Opera House. I think It is very beautiful and there are many visitors. And then we will visit Sydney Bridge. It is really long and grand. At the end of the day, we are going to Sydney Harbour. We will very happy. We can eat some famous snacks. They must be delicous. What a wonderful travel paln!


怎样写慰问信500字作文慰问信巨人作文西单分校 六年级 孙博宏 指导老师:韩秀梅各位在地震中受难的爷爷奶奶,兄弟姐妹们,你们好!我是北京的一名小学生,在这次四川省汶川县的7.8级地震天灾中,你们失去了家...

商务英语的10种抱怨信函写作分别是什么Complaints & Claims (抱怨和索赔信函) 抱怨、索赔信函的目的是为了获取更好的服务,对已出现的问题求得尽快的、妥善的解决。它通常是买方由于对收到的货物不满而书写,如:货物未...

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商务英语书信写作有哪些注意事项商业信函有其自身的特点。下面是商务书信写作中的几点注意事项。 1。切忌主客不分或模糊。 例子: Deciding to rescind the earlier estimate, our report was updated to in...

商务英语信函写作考试的两个题目哪位大虾帮忙写一下啊Dear Sir: We have received your letter of April 15th and sample. Shun, we inform you of your sample tests are very satisfied. But very sorry to inform your pric...

写一篇假期旅游的打算英语作文For I want to spend my holiday fully,so I plan to go on a trip,I want to go to hongkong for 2 weeks,because it is not only a shopping paradise but also The heav...

请帮我写一篇英语的旅游计划悬赏100分采纳再给100分Here is my plan of my trip. I plan to spend my summer holiday in GuangZhou this year.Firstly,I will take a plane to BaiYun Airport.I will visit YueXiu Park and...


一篇英文的旅行计划表作文about 20mins on the bus and get off at Putuo Temple. The ticket of this temple is 3RMB, there people can experience the old temple' atmosphere of China. 15:00-2...
