

04月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语情景对话范文]A:Hi! I haven't seen you for a long time? What have you been doing? B:Hei! I am working on an article about love. What do you think love is? A:Love? I think lov...+阅读

women A:hi,wangfang,I want to ask you a question. B:say. A:are you proud of being a moman today? B:yes ,I am. A:Do you think the status of today's women are changed? B: yes,I agreed with you . A: how do they changed? B: you konw ,in the ancient times, women are not respected by the people.women usually stay at home and do some housework.they are not equal to the men. A: and how about the women in today? B: I think today's women have the same right as men to find a job. they are on longer discriminated by others. A:that's right. women are not absolutely dependent on men and they have the ability to accept higher education. B: yes.they believe they can also do them well as men did,they are very confident. A: do you think there're also some women discrimination in the other countries? B: yeah.in the Africa area and especically in the America,women are not attached importance to the men . A: so how do you think about this? B: I think it will not last long,it pays attention to the public. people there must do something aganist it. A: we hope tomorrow'momen are better, let's do something to surpport it. B: That's a good idea. 临时写出来的,不知道对你有没有帮助。



Everybody have different opinions about seatbelts, some people think it is not necessary because there's rarely usage of it, but some people think it is necessary because they think its for their own safety. I think it is necessary and essential to wear a seatbelt, it is about others and my own safety. If I don't wear a seatbelt, the posibility of accidents would happen more often.

For example, if you don't wear a seltbelt when you are in the front seat and an accident accurs when your car smashed into another car, you would be racing forward non-stop until you hit something. But if you did wear a seatbelt, you would still go forward but got stopped by the seatbelt and save your life.

I strongly recommend everybody to wear their seatbelts the first thing they got in their cars, it is for your safety and others safety, that's what seatbelts are designed for, right?



不知道是一共五分钟还是分别? 我写了几个,若是你觉得行可以在这基础上发展一下,或者短消息我。 5. A: Do you have some guys you really trust in ? B: Well yes, I have some good friends and I always have great time with them. A : Haven't you ever had some quarrels? B : Why, certainly, it is impossible that we are not everything in commmon. A : I agree with you. Different ideas sometimes means effective communications. 6. A : Do you know Pheobe is going to England next month as an exchage student ? What a good chance it is! B : Do you think so? A : Of course! Wish I would have such an opportunity! B : For me, I'd better stay in China. A : Why? B : All my family members are in China and I know nobody in other countries ! A : It is just the chance to learn independent ! 7. A : Nowadays many parents choose educate their kids at home, how do you think this kind of education ? Anyway, school studying is always better than home studying. Really? In my opion, home education sometimes is more efficient than school eduction because of the convenience. However, lacking of the teachers tutor and supervision might do harm to little children.


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