
简单英语对话范文帮我编一个6 7句简单的英语对话吧各位拜托了!

01月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语课堂上如何科学有效地进行小结]课堂小结并不是课堂教学的结束语,它应该鼓起学生思维的风帆,使他们对教学内容遐想联翩以求甚解,或有所启迪而渐悟其理。总的来说,我认为课堂小结有以下功能。 1. 概括提炼功能...+阅读

我帮你编一段吧。 Miss Chen: Now that the business is done, Mr。 Johnson, would you like to have a city tour of Chengdu just for pleasure? Mr。 Johnson: Sure, why not。 Since I have only half a day to spare in Chengdu, what would you recommend? Miss Chen: Well, there are at least a couple of place you should see。 One is the Pedestrian Street at the Chunxi Road, where there is a bunch of shopping you could do and a variety of Sichuan Cuisine you might want to taste。 Mr。 Johnson: That sounds wonderful。 I'd like to go。 What was the other place? Miss Chen: The other place I was about to mention was called the "Wide and Narrow Lanes"。 It is actually a "bar street"。 By its name, you may imagine that you are sitting in a quiet corner of the courtyard of an elegant beer bar, drinking cold beer and enjoying the folk music and of course, the beauties of Chengdu that are walking by。 Mr。 Johnson: Perfect! I couldn't wait to go。 Let's go now。


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