

04月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思口语介绍自己性格范文]之前我咨询了很多家 比较介钱以及试听过后的感觉.好. 我选择了ABC天卞英语中心 他们是专门做企业辅导的 推荐去听下他们的轻松试听课程,货比三家嘛;我也来贡献一些:version 01...+阅读

08年9月新话题卡: Describe a famous person you would like to meet. You should say: • who this person is • where you first saw him or her • how/why this person is famous and explain what you would say to this person. Describe someone you know who is good at cooking. You should say: • who this person is • how you know him or her • what kinds of food they cook and explain how (you think) this person became so good at cooking. Describe a dish you often eat and like. You should say: • What it is • How often you eat it • How the dish is made and explain why you like this dish more than others. Describe your favourite season or time of the year. You should say: • when season it is • what the weather is like at this time • what people usually do at this time (or, what you usually do) and explain what is special about that season. Describe an item of clothing that you wear on special occasions. You should say: • what this clothing looks like • where you bought it • on what special occasions you wear it and explain why you wear it on special occasions. Describe a sculpture or work of art that you have seen. You should say: • when you saw this work of art • where you saw it • what it looked like and explain your impression of it. Describe something special you want to buy in the future. You should say: • what it is • what it looks like • how long you have wanted to buy it and explain why you want to buy it. Describe something that helped you learn another language (besides your own language). You should say: • what it was • who bought it for you • why you chose to learn that language and explain how this thing helped you. Describe the ideal home that you would like to live in. You should say: • where it would be • what type of house it would be • how you would decorate it and explain what why you would like to live in this kind of home. Describe a success you have had. You should say: • what it was • what it happened • how easy or difficult it was to achieve and explain how important you think this success was (to you). Describe an educational trip that you went on when you were in school. You should say: • where you went • what you did there • what you learned on this trip and explain how you felt about this trip. Describe an important stage of your life. You should say: • how old you were • where you were living at the time • what you were doing during this stage and explain why you think this was an important stage of your life.


1.口语要连贯不停顿 正常人哪有跟机关枪是的不停的得得得得说个没完的啊~ 就算你背诵~ 是不是还得换口气呢?试就完全没有按照那个被很多人奉为绝对经典的法则~ 就是按照自己的思维走,还是可以拿个不太差的分数!但是这不是说,你就愣愣的呆在哪里,你要有一个基本的交流,可以是嘴里说点缓和话,比如什么you know~ I mean之类的,但是我主推和考官眼神交流,证明给他看,你是在当场思考这个问题~ 具体怎么眼神就只能意会不能言传了~ 大家自己揣摩~ 2.找一些所谓的创新的话题(雅思口语里有相关的新话题总结)雅思口语需要全面的准备,话题常考的,是考生们经常会练到的。但是今年的口语考试新增话题很多,所以新增话题也是要练习的部分。 3.背诵 topic!(最反对的) 关于topic这个东西,很多人不会用它~ 只是机械的去背~ 单纯的记忆~ 这个是大错特错的!雅思(微博)口语不是考你背诵,而是你运用语言跟人交流的能力~这也不是就不准备topic~ 具体怎么做看后文。

4.把考官看成“考官” 这个也是咱们中国学生一个很大的误区,你把他看的跟爹似的~ 啥都迎合着他说~ 一点自己的东西都没有~ 是很吃不开的~ (这个不与第2点矛盾~ 同一个观点,同一个话题,每个人的说法都是不一样的~ )这是要考虑到外国的文化问题~ 许多欧美国家,把独立的思考和生活奉为最重要的人生原则,而最受不了巴结奉承 顺着说话~~所以:你只要坦坦然然的和他聊~ just a interview ~ 就没问题啊!! 二:如何准备口语 1.长期: 1.1找外国人说!不是为了练口语,而是为了练 不胆怯!没错! 1.2找中国人说!!练一个基本的敏感性~只有有一个说话的对象,你才能找到自己想表达却表达不明白的地方!别不好意思! 1.3跟自己说!这个是最连口语的!因为你了解自己,知道自己确切想说的意思~而且有自己的思维模式~ 所以跟自己说英语吧!~ 自己边说边自己听~ 把不地道的地方随时记下来,然后找个时间去查明白。

2.短期: 2.1 至少准备一事 一物 一人 的话题~ (如何准备话题!) 其实话题远没有大家说的那么杂~ 你只要能扎扎实实的准备好几个话题~ 就是那种怎么问都能转到上面来,且有合情合理的~ 就行了~ 用数学的方法就是抽象模型!比如,尊敬的人,老人,亲人,讨厌的人,即使是相反的定语修饰,也可以用一个人,简单的很~ 只要 加上否定形容词的前缀~ 或者用not!!! 2.2 每天要活动脸部肌肉~ 像疯狂英语说的! 得练英语肌肉~ 别忘了语音是一大部分的分值呢! 2.3 找“口语陪练” 可根据长期准备的标准要求~ 即使是自己~也没问题的~只要你说! 2.4 锻炼你的自信~ 这个也很重要~ 会有0.5的印象分吧~ 大大方方的~你就赢了一半!


Our City I would like to make some recommendations to make your first visit to our town a pleasant one. The busiest street in our town is Prospect Avenue. There are many things to do and see in this street.First, you could visit the Art Museum, where an art show is going on.Directly across the street from the Art Museum is the library. If you would like to buy some books you could cross Third Street and go to the book store. It is on the south side of Prospect Avenue. From there, if you would like a snack, you have several choices. Continuing west on Prospect Avenue you could visit the ice-cream shop, the bakery, or the candy store. Finally, cross Second Street and enjoy all the unusual animals at the pet store. To find Prospect Avenue from the train station,turn left on Fourth Street and head south. It is just two blocks to the entrance of the Art Museum. I hope you will enjoy your visit!




值得指出的是,Part 1 和 Part 2 的出题通常比较直接,但是 Part 3 的问题会比较有深度,经常要求大家进行探讨大众看法、比较不同、探寻原因等,建议大家在同一个话题上也要多角度准备。


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