

03月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求德语的爱情诗有中文翻译]Es gibt einen Platz in meinem Herz für dich. Es gibt immer einen Platz in meinem Herz für dich. Es gibt nur einen Platz in meinem Herz für dich. Es gibt nur...+阅读


The furthest distance in the world

Is not between life and death

But when I stand in front of you

Yet you don't know that

I love you

The furthest distance in the world

Is not when i stand in front of you

Yet you can't see my love

But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both

Yet cannot Be togehter

The furthest distance in the world

Is not being apart while being in love

But when plainly can not resist the yearning

Yet pretending

You have never been in my heart

The furthest distance in the world

Is not......

But using one's indifferent heart

To dig an uncrossable river

For the one who loves you








补充一下 这首诗其实并非泰戈尔所作 网上有许多版本 英文版的译法也是多样 许多也有语法上的错误 以上这首是比较广为流传的一种

其中Is not......后面可能是译不出来了 但如果作为朗诵的话 我想是可以的 正好可以停顿一下 作为抒情的一种形式 也许会更有意境哦~``~`~~


OF BEAUTY Let us use it while we may Snatch those joys that haste away! Earth her winter coat may cast, And renew her beeauty past: But, our winter come, in vain We solicit spring again; And when our furrows snow shall cover, Love may return but never lover. 再别康桥 徐志摩 Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky. The golden willows by the riverside Are young brides in the setting sun; Their reflections on the shimmering waves Always linger in the depth of my heart. The floatingheart growing in the sludge Sways leisurely under the water; In the gentle waves of Cambridge I would be a water plant! That pool under the shade of elm trees Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky; Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream? To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream To where the green grass is more verdant; Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight And sing aloud in the splendour of starlight. But I cannot sing aloud Quietness is my farewell music; Even summer insects heep silence for me Silent is Cambridge tonight! Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Gently I flick my sleeves Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring awayAnnabel Lee》 Write by Edgar Allan Poe It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of Annabel Lee; And this maiden she lived with no other thought Than to love and be loved by me. She was a child and I was a child, In this kingdom by the sea; But we loved with a love that was more than love I and my Annabel Lee; With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven Coveted her and me. And this was the reason that, long ago, In this kingdom by the sea, A wind blew out of a cloud by night chilling my Annabel Lee; So that her highborn kinsman came And bore her away from me, To shut her up in a sepulchre In this kindom by the sea. The angels ,not half so happy in the heaven, Went evnying her and me Yes!That was the reason(as all men know, in this kingdom by the sea) That the wind came out of the cloud, Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee. But our love it was stronger by far than the love Of those who were older than we Of many far wiser than we And neither the angels in heaven above, Nor the demons down under the sea, Can ever dissever my soulfrom the soul Of the beautiful Annabel Lee. For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams Of the beautiful Annalbel Lee; And the stars never rise but I see the bright eyes Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And so,all the night-tide , I lie down by the side Of my darling , my darling , my life and my bride, In the sepulchre there by the sea, In her tomb by the side of the sea.


re as happy with me As I am with you 感谢你永远支持我、You', 让我们的爱更加茁壮十首经典英文情诗 1, 我深深地想念着你, 还有你的温柔和体贴;t got a clue, 当我沮丧时你拉拔我, 我会把每天都像宝贝一样存起来! 4, 你对我的爱一天比一天更深;d like to do is to save every day until eternity passes away just to spend them with you if I could make days last forever if words could make wishes come true I', 从我每天早上起来的那一刻起、A better love I couldn'。 情人节快乐, 感谢你作为我的朋友并且在我身旁;re near That gentle touch you have Make my troubles disappear 是你的爱意和呵护, 如果我的愿望能一一成真。 9. 感谢你在伤心时安慰我, 我爱上你之后. Love不单是一个字, conveys a loving touch。 5, 我也不清楚 2, 每一分每一秒直到一天结束, 能比你更加温柔和体贴, 再和你一起慢慢度过, 当我看到这四个字母的时候 我几乎能感受到你内心的感动 但是这只是发生在, 再和你一起慢慢度过, 知道你就在我的身边, 它还代表了许多意涵, 我希望你跟我在一起永远开心, 为何这个字有如此的魔力, 我要作的第一件事就是. Why this word does this、If I could save time in a bottle the first thing that i '、Thank you for standing behind me In all that I do I hope you'、It's your loving and your caring And knowing that you're always there for me When things tend to go wrong It'm sad Loving me when I'。

7, 让我们传递著情人节的讯息, 就像我跟你在一起时那么地快乐。 8. When I see these four letters, 是你对我坚定的信心, 把每一天都存下来直到永恒;m down Thank you for being my friend and being around Teaching me the meaning of love Encouraging me when I need a shove But most of all thank you for Loving me for who I am;d save every day like a treasure and then again I would spend them with you 如果我能把时间存入一个瓶子, 当我生气时感谢你护着我、We share so much together And you always pull me through Thank you for standing behind me In all that I do 我们分享生命中的每一天, 也传送出爱的感觉, I haven'm mad Picking me up when I', 但我最想感谢你的是, 爱上像我这样的一个人, 告诉我爱的意义是什么, 让我所有的麻烦全都不见. 给我的爱人或是朋友、Sweetheart。

如果我能把时间化作永恒. Valentine heart to heart, words can mean much, My thoughts are deep into you From the moment that I wake up And to the whole day through Happy Valentine's Day 亲爱的、To sweetheart or friend, 当我需要动力时你鼓励我。 6;s that faith you have in me That makes our love strong 就算是我犯了错误也没关系, 一句话可以代表许多意思、Thank you for comfotting me when I', 我也深深地相信, I almost feel your touch、Love is more than a word it says so much. This is only happened since I fell in love with you;t ask for With your sweet and gently way And knowing that your love for me Grows more everyday 我再也没法找到一个比你更好爱我的人。 3, 不论我作了些什麽。 10


致橡树 To The Oak 舒婷 我如果爱你 If I love you 绝不像攀援的凌霄花, I won't wind upon you like a trumpet creeper 借你的高枝炫耀自己; upvalue myself by your height 我如果爱你—— If I love you 绝不学痴情的鸟儿, I will never follow a spoony bird 为绿荫重复单调的歌曲; repeating the monotune song for the green shade 也不止像泉源, not only like a springhead 常年送来清凉的慰籍; brings you clean coolness whole year long 也不止像险峰, not only like a steepy peak 增加你的高度,衬托你的威仪。 enhances your height, sets off your straightness 甚至日光。 even sunshine 甚至春雨。 and spring rain 不,这些都还不够! No, all these are not enough! 我必须是你近旁的一株木棉, I must be a ceiba by your side 做为树的形象和你站在一起。 as a tree standing together with you 根,紧握在地下, our roots melt underneath 叶,相触在云里。

our leaves merge in clouds 每一阵风过, when wind breezes 我们都互相致意, we greet each other 但没有人 but no one 听懂我们的言语。 can understand our peculiar words 你有你的铜枝铁干, you have your strong stem and branches 像刀,像剑, like knives and swords 也像戟, and like halberds 我有我的红硕花朵, I have my red ample flowers 像沉重的叹息, like heavy sighs 又像英勇的火炬, and heroic torches as well 我们分担寒潮、风雷、霹雳; we partake cold tide,thunder storm,firebolt 我们共享雾霭、流岚、虹霓, together we share brume,flowing mist,rainbow 仿佛永远分离, as if we separate all the time 却又终身相依, actually we forever rely on each other 这才是伟大的爱情, this is great love 坚贞就在这里: loyalty lives here 爱 Love 不仅爱你伟岸的身躯, not only your giant body 也爱你坚持的位置,脚下的土地。

but also the position you stand,the earth under your feet


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