

03月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[本人急需一份求职简历范文关于会计的]先生/女士您好, 我在XXXX上看到贵公司的招聘信息,我对XXXX职位非常有兴趣,特来应聘。 对照公司及职位的要求,我的情况简述如下: 1、《建议严格按照招聘信息里列举的条件,一一对应...+阅读


Employee Promotion Announcement

September 21, 2010

Please join me in welcoming Sarah Smith into the role of Regional Records Manager for the East Coast Region. Sarah brings to this new position, a strong background for the role, having spent approximately eight years in IT and knowledge management positions with Davis, Green, and Day prior to joining English International LP in January of 2001 as a Records Analyst in our Boston office. In addition to her role in Boston, Sarah spent nearly a year leading various records management work streams. Sarah has an undergraduate degree in Business Administration and a Master's degree in Health Care Administration.

In her new role as Regional Records Manager, Sarah will be responsible for the management of both our hard copy and electronic records in all of our East Coast Region offices. She will be engaged in strategies to facilitate compliance with our records retention processes and policies, improve adoption of a new electronic records management system, and continuously enhance the services provided by our records teams. Our East Coast Records Analysts will report to Sarah in her new role. Sarah will also work closely with Operations Executives throughout the region to ensure effective execution of strategies and client service delivery.

Please join me in extending a warm welcome to Sarah in her new role. Sarah is currently based in the Boston office and can be reached at (617) 555-5555.

剑桥商务英语作文 memo email report letter


Report on---(题目) 一般就抄要求就好 简洁些 注意除了ON THE A 神马的 都要首字母大写


推荐两个句型:This report serves to analyse...

This report aims at showing....后边还是抄题目

建议写一些神马 All the data enclosed are from out fact finding mission神马的


就写你发现的问题 还有你是怎么发现的 成果啊 问题啊 看具体怎么要求了 最好按照要求的顺序写


总结一下问题神马的 也可以展望一下


提出建议 最后建议写with these measures taken,our company will surely obtain better profibality and productivity.

最后祝愿考试成功!!!!!!另外考试期间 。。。哦。。。我讨厌那个考试制度,直到考完笔试都不让去WC。。。所以表多喝水。。。。加了个油!!!!!!!!!!必胜!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


右上方:信内发信人地址及发信日期 Dear Sir or Madam, We had an agreeable coorperation duration for several year and no problems had happened when working together, yet we are deeply sorry to write informing you that you have recently delivered your wrong stocks three times in quick succession. Because your carelessness has seriously made a strong impact on our daily routine, we wish you should let us know the reasonable excuse and take measures to remedy your mistakes and as soon as possible. If such a similar matter should happen once more, we would hereby take action to protect our legitimate rights and interests. Expecting to hear from you soon about it. Yours sincerely, xxx


求:英文自荐信范文或模板范文: enclosed resume Dear Sir or Madam, Now and then corporations send out feelers for just the right type of creative person. This person must fit any criteria...

求高手帮忙把这一段的工作介绍翻译成英文谢谢了。。。I'm from Changsha factory integrated management department, my job is comprehensive management specialist and Party Affairs Commissioner, is responsible for the...

急需一份英文询盘的范文原发布者:Natuk1 SalersHello,Yocosscompany,what'scanIdoforyou?你好,YOCOSS公司,请问有什么可以帮到你?Customer:Hello,IfindyourcompanyinAlibaba,andIwanttobuyonesampleofth...

英文自荐信范文或模板范文: enclosed resume Dear Sir or Madam, Now and then corporations send out feelers for just the right type of creative person. This person must fit any criteria...

急需励志性质的英文诗或英文励志的歌曲:Hero - Mariah Carey,她自己创作的经典曲目,知道这首歌将近十年,每次唱起来依然能给我鼓劲~ I Believe I can Fly - R.Kelly,《太空大灌篮》的主题歌,很上口 When You...

求公司员工晋升基准制度参考目的 为了提升员工个人素质和能力,充分调动全体员工的主动性和积极性,并在公司内部营造公平、公正、公开的竞争机制,规范公司员工的晋升、晋级工作流程,特制定本制度。 适用范围...

在吗?我看到你提的一个问题:急需一份外贸英文报价单范文如果是首次询问的话,你附加图片,产品详细介绍,以及单位价格。如果产品确定了,就要报以下内容:item N.O Description Qty Unit Brand Name Country of origin FOB price Per item...

本人急需一篇求职信的范文尊敬的领导: 您好!首先向您致以最诚挚的问候! 感谢你在百忙之中抽空阅读我的求职信,以下是我的自我介绍。 我是XXXX大学国际贸易学院热能与动力工程专业2009年应届本科优秀毕业...

