

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语书面表达新学期要到了写一篇有关新学期的计划讲述一下]The new term is coming ,and l have made a plan about my new term . To study math better l plan to do ten excises every day .And listen English songs every day t...+阅读

This is the result of our survey about “Ding Housework”.Wu Peng helps his mother cook the meal sometimes.Li Ying washes dishes every day.Wang Lin cleans her house often.And Zhang Ming neverdoes homework.In my opinion,we should help our parents to do some house work.It can practise us as well as lightening our parents' work....


中考复习计划!急!语文:被几篇作文,千万不能跑题。把文言文好好的复习。巩固词语和要背诵的语段。 数学:每一章掌握一道简单的题和三道难题目,不需要做太多,注意:题目要典型 英语:复习记的笔记,多背背...

考研英语作文的常用表达你知道多少一、考研英语一大小作文的得分都是按档次划分的: 20~17分 内容切题,包括提纲的全部要点;表达清楚,文字连贯;句式有变化,句子结构和用词正确。文章长度符合要求。 16~13分 内容切题...

书面表达摘苹果Attention 1. We will prepare going to the farmland nearby and help farmers there to pick up apples this saturday. 2. Get together on 8 a.m.(Saturday) at the shc...

一篇高中英语书面表达Dear the editor, I'm Li Hua , a high school sthdent in Grade 10..Now I've got some prombles in learning English. In the new term, I find that I cant't fix my at...


高考英语书面表达题型及其范文自己收集的。。。Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)___话题______. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题__...

求一篇高中英语书面表达I don't think you should be so anxious about your son's studies , college entrance examination is only one of the challenges throughout your son's life. Happine...

英语生日邀请作文Sam is my good friend.We often play together.Today is his birthday.He invited me to his birthday party .I feel so excited,and I bought many gifts for him.I want...

