

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语感谢信]英语感谢信范文1(感谢款待) Directions: Suppose you were taken good care of by Mr. Rogers, a friend of your fathers, when you visited London the week before. Writ...+阅读

July 2rd

Dear **,

I'm very glad you can invite me to the trade talks. I'd like to join it very much. But I'm afraid that I can't come this time, because I have to attend an commercial negotiation.I'm very sorry for that. I except we can meer next time. Hope you can understand!

With many apologize!




英语感谢信精选五篇英语感谢信要怎么写英语感谢信范文一 March 27, 20** Dear Bob, How kind of you to send Li Ming and me such a beautiful photo album! Were delighted with it, and we just cant thank yo...

感谢信的写作格式是怎样的原发布者:污损准备 篇一:感谢信范文格式感谢信范文格式感谢信是为表示感谢而写的一种专用书信。受信者和写信者均可是个人或单位。感谢信格式:①标题:空一行正中写“感谢信”三...

商洽函应用文写作范本1)请代市XX公司起草一份函。要求完善未尽内容,按函的格式和语言特点写作。 关于请求XX高级技工学校推荐毕业生的函 XX高级技工学校: 新的一年招工工作又开始了,为了适应市场的竞...

进行函写作时需要注意哪些方面一、 明确发文主旨 任何一份公文都是根据工作中的实际需要来拟写的.因此,在动笔之前,首先要弄清楚发文的主旨,即发文的主题与目的,包括以下几项内容: 1、文件的中心内容是什么?比...

一篇商务英语回复函120字左右Our aim is always to provide our clients with the best combination of food, entertainment and location. By choosing A Cut Above, you can relax and enjoy your sp...

简述写作函的注意事项一、 明确发文主旨 任何一份公文都是根据工作中的实际需要来拟写的。因此,在动笔之前,首先要弄清楚发文的主旨,即发文的主题与目的,包括以下几项内容: 1、文件的中心内容是什么?比...

考研英语写作小作文感谢信范文有哪些考研英语小作文模板(感谢信): Dear______, I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for __________________(感谢的原因)。 If it had not been for your assistance in __...

急求一封商务英语索赔函Dear xxx: We regret to inform you that due to unreasonable packaging and carelessness which unfortunately resulted in 5 million milk was concave and piercing da...

急求一封英语索赔函Dear xxx: we regret to inform you that your company failed to deliver all the cloth for order No.xxx, which unfortunately resulted in the fact that we were unab...
