

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写一封感谢信给爱心人士100个字简单]尊敬的爱心人士,你们好! 近一段时间,有社会爱心人士为我系困难学子提供经济帮助,在此,土木工程系全体师生对你们的慷慨解囊,无私奉献的善举,致以最诚挚的谢意和感激之情。感谢你们...+阅读

dear XXX I am glad to send you message. we know you will soon retire ,I am sorry for hear it and can't work with you in future . we thanks for you do for us and very happy working with you . everybody know you are hard-working and friendly . I hope we can keep in touch , you retire after. bless you will have a good time. you get out of after many thanks XXX


写一封英语商务信函Dear Mr. / Mrs XXX In a trading fare, I saw your Lady's stripe skirt and I am interested in it. We have the intention to buy the three styles of Lady's stripe s...

请高手帮忙写一封商务英语信函!写一封信给某人。告诉他开会了Dear Mr.XXX:You are kindly informed there will be a meeting on 3:00PM, and the location is XXX meeting room. Please make sure your XXX report be ready, and Mr.X...

英语写一封感谢信作文Although today leaving home, but I still be reluctant, nice to meet you, also very thank you receive me and family so long. I think I am here not tight learned...

急!急急急急!高悬赏!求一封英语感谢信Dear The browns , As I am writing to you ,I was arrived home .Do you remember me ?the girl whom had stayed at your home for one year . You have been marvelous ....

求作文给妈妈的一封感谢信好心人帮帮忙没钱了妈妈,我爱您亲爱的妈妈: 您好! 从我出生到现在,你陪我经历过了13个春夏秋冬。您就像参天的大树,为我遮挡着风风雨雨;您就像迷航的灯塔,为我指引着前进的方向;您就像冬日的阳光,温暖着...


写一封顾客的感谢信尊敬的顾客您好! 首先非常感谢您对我们的产品提出宝贵的意见和建议,这对我们提高质量,完善我们的产品是至关重要的,有了您对我们的诚恳建议和细心的监督,我们会不断努力,更加认真...

帮忙翻译商务英语作文英翻中并写一封回信!急急急楼主好,我刚好也是做外贸这一行的.翻译如下:尊敬的XX关于: 您的订单439我们很高兴告诉你,贵司在7月1日发往悉尼的300箱手锯已经到搭目的地,而且情况完好.这标明贵司在包装这块有...

写一封英语感谢信急用Dear Mitchell : Thanks a lot for looking after our puppy Bobo when we were out for a vocation.It was so kind of you to do so because it saves us plenty of time...
