

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语诗歌带翻译]Mother's love Mother's love is the umbrella when it is raining.Under the umbrella there is my small face that won't be wet. Mother's love is the string of the k...+阅读

Hi,my Indian friend. First, thank you for your new year's greeting. It's been a long time since we contacted last time. How are you doing now? Does everything go well with your work and life?

I will travel to Australia soon and I will spend the "Spring Festival" there. This festival to Chinese is what Christmas to westerners.This is the first time I will not spend the Spring Festival at home. How did you spend your holiday of the new year? Is there any traditional festival of new year in India?

I hope we will keep in touch in future!

I wish you good health

May everything go well with your family!

Your Chinese friend.



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